- name: Copy first stage nginx config copy: src: nginx_nossl.conf dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf - name: Add nginx user to uwsgi group for access to uwsgi socket user: name: nginx groups: uwsgi append: yes - name: Create subdomain content dirs file: path: /var/www/{{item}} state: directory owner: nginx group: nginx mode: 0550 loop: - blog.jaseg.net - tracespace.jaseg.net - openjscad.jaseg.net - name: Copy uwsgi systemd socket config copy: src: uwsgi-app@.socket dest: /etc/systemd/system/ - name: Copy uwsgi systemd service config copy: src: uwsgi-app@.service dest: /etc/systemd/system/ - name: Set SELinux to permissive mode # FIXME this is to let nginx talk to uwsgi selinux: state: permissive policy: targeted - name: Enable and launch nginx systemd service systemd: name: nginx.service enabled: yes state: restarted - name: Create subdomain letsencrypt certificates command: certbot --nginx certonly -d {{item}} -n --agree-tos --email {{item}}-letsencrypt@jaseg.net args: creates: /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{item}}/fullchain.pem loop: - blog.jaseg.net - gerbolyze.jaseg.net - tracespace.jaseg.net - openjscad.jaseg.net - pogojig.jaseg.net - name: Copy final nginx config copy: src: nginx.conf dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf - name: Restart nginx to load new cert systemd: name: nginx.service state: restarted - name: Enable certbot renewal timer systemd: name: certbot-renew.timer enabled: yes