#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time from contextlib import contextmanager import re import os import os.path import random import string import subprocess import sqlite3 import hmac from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Address from flask import Flask, request, abort import uwsgidecorators app = Flask(__name__) app.config.update(dict( RECORD_EXPIRY_S = 86400, NSD_CONTROL = 'nsd-control' )) app.config.from_pyfile('config.py') ZONEFILE_TEMPLATE = '''\ ; #################################################### ; ; THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED! DO NOT MODIFY! ; ; #################################################### ; $ORIGIN {zone}. $TTL 1800 @ IN SOA {ns}. {mail}. ( {serial} ; serial number 60 ; refresh 60 ; retry {expire} ; expire 60 ; ttl ) ; Name servers IN NS {ns}. ; Additional A records from template ; @ IN A ; www IN A ; Dynamically generated records {dynamic_records} ''' db = sqlite3.connect(app.config['SQLITE_DB'], check_same_thread=False) with db as conn: conn.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS zone_versions (date TEXT)''') conn.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS records (name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, ipv4 TEXT, ipv6 TEXT, last_update INTEGER)''') def purge_expired_records(): with db as conn: conn.execute('DELETE FROM records WHERE last_update < ?', (int(time.time()) - app.config['RECORD_EXPIRY_S'],)) def update_record(record, ipv4=None, ipv6=None): with db as conn: old_v4, old_v6 = conn.execute('SELECT ipv4, ipv6 FROM records WHERE name=?', (record,)).fetchone() or (None, None) conn.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO records VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', (record, ipv4, ipv6, int(time.time()))) return ipv4 != old_v4 or ipv6 != old_v6 @contextmanager def inplace_rewrite(filename, cleanup=True): print('Writing', filename) filename = os.path.abspath(filename) if cleanup: basename = os.path.basename(filename) for entry in os.scandir(os.path.dirname(filename)): if entry.name.startswith(basename) and re.match(r'\.tmp-[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}', entry.name[len(basename):]): os.remove(entry.path) tmp_fn = filename + f'.tmp-' + ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=8)) with open(tmp_fn, 'w') as tmp_f: yield tmp_f tmp_f.flush() os.fsync(tmp_f.fileno()) os.rename(tmp_fn, filename) def write_zonefile(): # Find the next free zonefile version number with db as conn: conn.execute('INSERT INTO zone_versions VALUES (DATE())') date, version_num, = conn.execute('SELECT zone_versions.date, COUNT(*) FROM zone_versions WHERE zone_versions.date = DATE()').fetchone() zone_version = f'{date.replace("-", "")}{version_num:02d}' # Generate dynamic record block with db as conn: records = db.execute('SELECT name, "A", ipv4 FROM records UNION SELECT name, "AAAA", ipv6 FROM records') dynamic_records = '\n'.join(f'{name:<20} IN {rtype:<4} {value}' for name, rtype, value in records if value is not None) # Template zone file content content = ZONEFILE_TEMPLATE.format( zone = app.config['ZONE'], ns = app.config['NAMESERVER'], mail = app.config['NAMESERVER_MAIL'].replace('@', '.'), serial = zone_version, dynamic_records = dynamic_records, expire = app.config['RECORD_EXPIRY_S'] ) with inplace_rewrite(app.config['ZONEFILE'], cleanup=True) as f: f.write(content) def kick_nsd(): prog = app.config['NSD_CONTROL'] if isinstance(prog, str): prog = [prog] subprocess.run([*prog, 'reload', app.config['ZONE']], check=True) @app.before_first_request @uwsgidecorators.timer(300) def update_zonefile(): purge_expired_records() write_zonefile() kick_nsd() @app.route('/update', methods=['POST']) def route_update(): if request.authorization is None: abort(403) record = request.authorization['username'] record_config = app.config['DYNAMIC_RECORDS'].get(record) if record_config is None: abort(403) *supported_formats, password = record_config if not hmac.compare_digest(request.authorization['password'], password): abort(403) ipv4 = request.args.get('ipv4', '') ipv6 = request.args.get('ipv6', '::1') ipv4 = str(IPv4Address(ipv4)) if 'v4' in supported_formats else None ipv6 = str(IPv6Address(ipv6)) if 'v6' in supported_formats else None if update_record(record, ipv4=ipv4, ipv6=ipv6): update_zonefile() return 'success' if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()