import tempfile import os.path as path from pathlib import Path import os import re import sys import warnings import time import shutil import math from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile import shutil import gerber from gerber.render.cairo_backend import GerberCairoContext import numpy as np import cv2 import enum import tqdm import click @click.command() @click.argument('input') @click.option('-t' ,'--top', help='Top layer output file.') @click.option('-b' ,'--bottom', help='Bottom layer output file. --top or --bottom may be given at once. If neither is given, autogenerate filenames.') @click.option('--bbox', help='Output file bounding box. Format: "w,h" to force [w] mm by [h] mm output canvas OR ' '"x,y,w,h" to force [w] mm by [h] mm output canvas with its bottom left corner at the given input gerber ' 'coördinates.') def render_preview(input, top, bottom, bbox): ''' Render gerber file into template to be used with gerbolyze --vectorize. INPUT may be a gerber file, directory of gerber files or zip file with gerber files ''' with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: tmpdir = Path(tmpdir) source = Path(input) filetype = 'svg' if not top and not bottom: # autogenerate two file names if neither --top nor --bottom are given # /path/to/gerber/dir -> /path/to/gerber/dir.preview-{top|bottom}.svg # /path/to/ -> /path/to/{top|bottom}.svg # /path/to/single/file.grb -> /path/to/single/file.grb.preview-{top|bottom}.svg outfiles = { 'top': source.parent / f'{}.preview-top.{filetype}', 'bottom': source.parent / f'{}.preview-top.{filetype}' } else: outfiles = { 'top': Path(top) if top else None, 'bottom': Path(bottom) if bottom else None } # If source is not a directory with gerber files (-> zip/single gerber), make it one if not source.is_dir(): tmp_indir = tmpdir / 'input' tmp_indir.mkdir() if source.suffix.lower() == '.zip' or is_zipfile(source): with ZipFile(source) as f: f.extractall(path=tmp_indir) else: # single input file shutil.copy(source, tmp_indir) source = tmp_indir # source now is a directory with gerber files. bounds = None if bbox: elems = [ int(elem) for elem in re.split('[,/ ]', bbox) ] if len(elems) not in (2, 4): raise click.BadParameter( '--bbox must be either two floating-point values like: w,h or four like: x,y,w,h') elems = [ float(e) for e in elems ] if len(elems) == 2: bounds = [0, 0, *elems] else: bounds = elems matches = match_gerbers_in_dir(source) for side in ('top', 'bottom'): flattened = [ e for for_this_layer in matches[side].values() for e in for_this_layer ] if not outfiles[side]: continue if not flattened: warnings.warn(f'No input gerber files found for {side} side') continue def load(layer, path): print('loading', layer, path) grb = gerber.load_layer(str(path)) grb.layer_class = LAYER_CLASSES.get(layer, 'unknown') return grb layers = { layer: [ load(layer, path) for path in files ] for layer, files in matches[side].items() if files } for layer, elems in layers.items(): if len(elems) > 1 and layer != 'drill': raise click.UsageError(f'Multiple files found for layer {layer}: {", ".join(matches[side][layer]) }') unitses = set(layer.cam_source.units for items in layers.values() for layer in items) if len(unitses) != 1: # FIXME: we should ideally be able to deal with this. We'll have to figure out a way to update a # GerberCairoContext's scale in between layers. raise SystemError('Input gerber files mix metric and imperial units. Please fix your export.') units, = unitses # cairo-svg uses a hardcoded dpi value of 72. pcb-tools does something weird, so we have to scale things # here. scale = 1/25.4 if units == 'metric' else 1.0 # pcb-tools gerber scale scale *= 72.0 # cairo-svg dpi # NOTE: When the user has not set explicit bounds, we automatically extract the design's bounding box from # the input gerber files. If a folder is used as input, we use the outline gerber and barf if we can't find # one. If only a single file is given, we simply use that file's bounding box # # We have to do things this way since gerber files do not have explicit bounds listed. # # Note that the bounding box extracted from the outline layer usually will be one outline layer stroke widht # larger in all directions than the finished board. if not bounds: if 'outline' in layers: bounds = calculate_apertureless_bounding_box(layers['outline'][0].cam_source) elif len(flattened) == 1: bounds = flattened[0].cam_source.bounding_box else: raise click.UsageError('Cannot find an outline file and no --bbox given.') ctx = GerberCairoContext(scale=scale) for layer_name in LAYER_RENDER_ORDER: for to_render in layers.get(layer_name, ()): ctx.render_layer(to_render, bounds=bounds) print('pixel size:', ctx.scale_point(ctx.size_in_inch), 'in inch:', ctx.size_in_inch) ctx.dump(str(outfiles[side])) # Utility foo # =========== # Gerber file name extensions for Altium/Protel | KiCAD | Eagle # Note that in case of KiCAD these extensions occassionally change without notice. If you discover that this list is not # up to date, please know that it's not my fault and submit an issue or send me an email. LAYER_SPEC = { 'top': { 'paste': '.gtp|-F_Paste.gbr|-F.Paste.gbr|.pmc', 'silk': '.gto|-F_SilkS.gbr|-F.SilkS.gbr|.plc', 'mask': '.gts|-F_Mask.gbr|-F.Mask.gbr|.stc', 'copper': '.gtl|-F_Cu.gbr|-F.Cu.gbr|.cmp', 'outline': '.gko|.gm1|-Edge_Cuts.gbr|-Edge.Cuts.gbr|.gmb', 'drill': '.drl|.txt|-npth.drl', }, 'bottom': { 'paste': '.gbp|-B_Paste.gbr|-B.Paste.gbr|.pms', 'silk': '.gbo|-B_SilkS.gbr|-B.SilkS.gbr|.pls', 'mask': '.gbs|-B_Mask.gbr|-B.Mask.gbr|.sts', 'copper': '.gbl|-B_Cu.gbr|-B.Cu.gbr|.sol', 'outline': '.gko|.gm1|-Edge_Cuts.gbr|-Edge.Cuts.gbr|.gmb', 'drill': '.drl|.txt|-npth.drl', }, } # Maps keys from LAYER_SPEC to pcb-tools layer classes (see pcb-tools'es gerber/ LAYER_CLASSES = { 'silk': 'topsilk', 'mask': 'topmask', 'paste': 'toppaste', 'copper': 'top', 'outline': 'outline', 'drill': 'drill', } LAYER_RENDER_ORDER = [ 'copper', 'mask', 'silk', 'paste', 'outline', 'drill' ] def match_gerbers_in_dir(path): out = {} for side, layers in LAYER_SPEC.items(): out[side] = {} for layer, match in layers.items(): out[side][layer] = list(find_gerber_in_dir(path, match)) return out def find_gerber_in_dir(path, extensions): exts = extensions.split('|') for entry in path.iterdir(): if not entry.is_file(): continue if any( for suffix in exts): yield entry def calculate_apertureless_bounding_box(cam): ''' pcb-tools'es default bounding box function returns the bounding box of the primitives including apertures (i.e. line widths). For determining a board's size from the outline layer, we want the bounding box disregarding apertures. ''' min_x = min_y = 1000000 max_x = max_y = -1000000 for prim in cam.primitives: bounds = prim.bounding_box_no_aperture min_x = min(bounds[0][0], min_x) max_x = max(bounds[0][1], max_x) min_y = min(bounds[1][0], min_y) max_y = max(bounds[1][1], max_y) return ((min_x, max_x), (min_y, max_y)) if __name__ == '__main__': render_preview()