#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import zipfile import tempfile import os.path as path import os import sys import shutil import math import gerber from gerber.render import GerberCairoContext import numpy as np import cv2 def paste_image(target_gerber:str, outline_gerber:str, source_img:np.ndarray, extend_overlay_r_mil:float=12, extend_picture_r_mil:float=2): outline = gerber.loads(outline_gerber) (minx, maxx), (miny, maxy) = outline.bounds grbw, grbh = maxx - minx, maxy - miny imgh, imgw = source_img.shape scale = math.ceil(max(imgw/grbw, imgh/grbh)) # scale is in dpi target = gerber.loads(target_gerber) (tminx, tmaxx), (tminy, tmaxy) = target.bounds with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: img_file = path.join(tmpdir, 'target.png') fg, bg = gerber.render.RenderSettings((1, 1, 1)), gerber.render.RenderSettings((0, 0, 0)) ctx = GerberCairoContext(scale=scale) ctx.render_layer(target, settings=fg, bgsettings=bg) ctx.render_layer(outline, settings=fg, bgsettings=bg) ctx.dump(img_file) original_img = cv2.imread(img_file, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) r = 1+2*max(1, int(extend_overlay_r_mil/1000 * scale)) target_img = cv2.blur(original_img, (r, r)) _, target_img = cv2.threshold(target_img, 255//(1+r), 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) qr = 1+2*max(1, int(extend_picture_r_mil/1000 * scale)) # source_img = cv2.blur(source_img, (r, r)) # cv2.imwrite('/tmp/03blurred.png', source_img) source_img = source_img[::-1] _, source_img = cv2.threshold(source_img, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) cv2.imwrite('/tmp/06thresh.png', source_img) tgth, tgtw = target_img.shape padded_img = np.zeros(shape=(max(imgh, tgth), max(imgw, tgtw)), dtype=source_img.dtype) offx = int((minx-tminx if tminx < minx else 0)*scale) offy = int((miny-tminy if tminy < miny else 0)*scale) offx += int(grbw*scale - imgw) // 2 offy += int(grbh*scale - imgh) // 2 padded_img[offy:offy+imgh, offx:offx+imgw] = source_img cv2.imwrite('/tmp/10padded.png', padded_img) cv2.imwrite('/tmp/20target.png', target_img) out_img = (np.multiply((padded_img/255.0), (target_img/255.0) * -1 + 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8) cv2.imwrite('/tmp/30multiplied.png', out_img) cv2.imwrite('/tmp/40vis.png', out_img + original_img) plot_contours(out_img, target, offx=(min(tminx, minx), min(tminy, miny)), scale=scale) from gerber.render import rs274x_backend ctx = rs274x_backend.Rs274xContext(target.settings) target.render(ctx) return ctx.dump().getvalue() def plot_contours(img:np.ndarray, layer:gerber.rs274x.GerberFile, offx:tuple, scale:float, debug=lambda *args:None): imgh, imgw = img.shape # Extract contours img_cont_out, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS) aperture = list(layer.apertures)[0] # XXX layer.primitives.clear() from gerber.primitives import Line, Region debug('offx', offx, 'scale', scale) xbias, ybias = offx def map(coord): x, y = coord # FIXME sometimes only ybias is needed return (x/scale, y/scale + ybias) def contour_lines(c): return [ Line(map(start), map(end), aperture, level_polarity='dark', units=layer.settings.units) for start, end in zip(c, np.vstack((c[1:], c[:1]))) ] done = [] process_stack = [-1] next_process_stack = [] is_dark = True while len(done) != len(contours): for i, (_1, _2, _3, parent) in enumerate(hierarchy[0]): if parent in process_stack: contour = contours[i] polarity = 'dark' if is_dark else 'clear' debug('rendering {} with parent {} as {} with {} vertices'.format(i, parent, polarity, len(contour))) debug('process_stack is', process_stack) debug() layer.primitives.append(Region(contour_lines(contour[:,0]), level_polarity=polarity, units=layer.settings.units)) next_process_stack.append(i) done.append(i) debug('skipping to next level') process_stack, next_process_stack = next_process_stack, [] is_dark = not is_dark debug('done', done) # Utility foo # =========== def find_gerber_in_dir(dir_path, file_or_ext): lname = path.join(dir_path, file_or_ext) if path.isfile(lname): with open(lname, 'r') as f: return lname, f.read() contents = os.listdir(dir_path) for entry in contents: if entry.lower().endswith(file_or_ext.lower()): lname = path.join(dir_path, entry) if not path.isfile(lname): continue with open(lname, 'r') as f: return lname, f.read() raise ValueError('Cannot find file or suffix "{}" in dir {}'.format(file_or_ext, dir_path)) def find_gerber_in_zip(zip_path, file_or_ext): with zipfile.ZeipFile(zip_path, 'r') as lezip: nlist = [ item.filename for item in zipin.infolist() ] if file_or_ext in nlist: return file_or_ext, lezip.read(file_or_ext) for n in nlist: if n.lower().endswith(file_or_ext.lower()): return n, lezip.read(n) raise ValueError('Cannot find file or suffix "{}" in zip {}'.format(file_or_ext, dir_path)) def replace_file_in_zip(zip_path, filename, contents): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: tempname = path.join(tmpdir, 'out.zip') with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zipin, zipfile.ZipFile(tempname, 'w') as zipout: for item in zipin.infolist(): if item.filename != filename: zipout.writestr(item, zipin.read(item.filename)) zipout.writestr(filename, contents) shutil.move(tempname, zip_path) def paste_image_file(zip_or_dir, target, outline, source_img): if path.isdir(zip_or_dir): tname, target = find_gerber_in_dir(zip_or_dir, target) _, outline = find_gerber_in_dir(zip_or_dir, outline) out = paste_image(target, outline, source_img) # XXX with open('/tmp/out.GTO', 'w') as f: # with open(tname, 'w') as f: f.write(out) elif zipfile.is_zipfile(zip_or_dir): tname, target = find_gerber_in_zip(zip_or_dir, target) _, outline = find_gerber_in_zip(zip_or_dir, outline) out = paste_image(target, outline, source_img) replace_file_in_zip(zip_or_dir, tname, out) else: raise ValueError('{} does not look like either a folder or a zip file') # Command line interface # ====================== if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', default='.GTO', help='Target layer. Filename or extension in target folder/zip') parser.add_argument('-o', '--outline', default='.GKO', help='Target outline layer. Filename or extension in target folder/zip') parser.add_argument('zip_or_dir', default='.', nargs='?', help='Optional folder or zip with target files') parser.add_argument('source', help='Source image') args = parser.parse_args() source_img = cv2.imread(args.source, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) paste_image_file(args.zip_or_dir, args.target, args.outline, source_img)