Gerbolyze high-fidelity SVG/PNG/JPG to PCB converter ==================================================== Gerbolyze renders SVG vector and PNG/JPG raster images into existing gerber PCB manufacturing files. Vector data from SVG files is rendered losslessly *without* an intermediate rasterization/revectorization step. Still, gerbolyze supports (almost) the full SVG 1.1 spec including complex, self-intersecting paths with holes, patterns, dashes and transformations Raster images can either be vectorized through contour tracing (like gerbolyze v1.0 did) or they can be embedded using high-resolution grayscale emulation while (mostly) guaranteeing trace/space design rules. .. image:: pics/pcbway_sample_02_small.jpg Tooling for PCB art is quite limited in both open source and closed source ecosystems. Something as simple as putting a pretty picture on a PCB can be an extremely tedious task. Depending on the PCB tool used, various arcane incantations may be necessary and even modestly complex images will slow down most PCB tools to a crawl. Gerbolyze solves this problem in a toolchain-agnostic way by directly vectorizing SVG vector and PNG or JPG bitmap files onto existing gerber layers. Gerbolyze processes any spec-compliant SVG and "gerbolyzes" SVG vector data into a Gerber spec-compliant form. Gerbolyze has been tested against both the leading open-source KiCAD toolchain and the industry-standard Altium Designer. Gerbolyze is written with performance in mind and will happily vectorize tens of thousands of primitives, generating tens of megabytes of gerber code without crapping itself. With gerbolyze you can finally be confident that your PCB fab's toolchain will fall over before yours does if you overdo it with the high-poly anime silkscreen. .. image:: pics/process-overview.png .. contents:: Tl;dr: Produce high-quality artistic PCBs in three easy steps! -------------------------------------------------------------- Gerbolyze works in three steps. 1. Generate a scale-accurate template of the finished PCB from your CAD tool's gerber output: .. code:: $ gerbolyze template --top template_top.svg [--bottom template_bottom.svg] my_gerber_dir 2. Load the resulting template image Inkscape_ or another SVG editing program. Put your artwork on the appropriate SVG layer. Dark colors become filled gerber primitives, bright colors become unfilled primitives. You can directly put raster images (PNG/JPG) into this SVG as well, just position and scale them like everything else. SVG clips work for images, too. Masks are not supported. 3. Vectorize the edited SVG template image drectly into the PCB's gerber files: .. code:: $ gerbolyze paste --top template_top_edited.svg [--bottom ...] my_gerber_dir output_gerber_dir Quick Start Installation ------------------------ This will install gerbolyze and svg-flatten into a Python virtualenv and install usvg into your ``~/.cargo``. Debian ~~~~~~ Note: Right now, debian stable ships with a rust that is so stable it can't even build half of usvg's dependencies. That's why we yolo-install our own rust here. Sorry about that. I guess it'll work with the packaged rust on sid. .. code-block:: shell sudo apt install libopencv-dev libpugixml-dev libpangocairo-1.0-0 libpango1.0-dev libcairo2-dev clang make python3 git python3-wheel curl python3-pip python3-venv curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh source $HOME/.cargo/env rustup install stable rustup default stable cargo install usvg git clone --recurse-submodules cd gerbolyze python3 -m venv source venv/bin/activate python3 install Fedora ~~~~~~ .. code-block:: shell sudo dnf install python3 make clang opencv-devel pugixml-devel pango-devel cairo-devel rust cargo cargo install usvg git clone --recurse-submodules cd gerbolyze python3 -m venv source venv/bin/activate python3 install Arch ~~~~ .. code-block:: shell sudo pacman -S pugixml opencv pango cairo git python make clang rustup cargo rustup install stable rustup default stable cargo install usvg git clone --recurse-submodules cd gerbolyze python3 -m venv source venv/bin/activate python3 install Features -------- Input on the left, output on the right. .. image:: pics/test_svg_readme_composited.png * Almost full SVG 1.1 static spec coverage (!) * Paths with beziers, self-intersections and holes * Strokes, even with dashes and markers * Pattern fills and strokes * Transformations and nested groups * Proper text rendering with support for complex text layout (e.g. Arabic) * elements via either built-in vectorizer or built-in halftone processor * (some) CSS * Writes Gerber, SVG or KiCAD S-Expression (``.kicad_mod``) formats * Can export from top/bottom SVGs to a whole gerber layer stack at once with filename autodetection * Can export SVGs to ``.kicad_mod`` files like svg2mod (but with full SVG support) * Beziers flattening with configurable tolerance using actual math! * Polygon intersection removal * Polygon hole removal (!) * Optionally vector-compositing of output: convert black/white/transparent image to black/transparent image * Renders SVG templates from input gerbers for accurate and easy scaling and positioning of artwork * layer masking with offset (e.g. all silk within 1mm of soldermask) * Can read gerbers from zip files Gerbolyze is the end-to-end "paste this svg into these gerbers" command that handles all layers on both board sides at once. The heavy-duty computer geometry logic of gerbolyze is handled by the svg-flatten utility (``svg-flatten`` directory). svg-flatten reads an SVG file and renders it into a variety of output formats. svg-flatten can be used like a variant of the popular svg2mod that supports all of SVG and handles arbitrary input ```` elements. Algorithm Overview ------------------ This is the algorithm gerbolyze uses to process a stack of gerbers. * Map input files to semantic layers by their filenames * For each layer: * load input gerber * Pass mask layers through ``gerbv`` for conversion to SVG * Pass mask layers SVG through ``svg-flatten --dilate`` * Pass input SVG through ``svg-flatten --only-groups [layer]`` * Overlay input gerber, mask and input svg * Write result to output gerber This is the algorithm svg-flatten uses to process an SVG. * pass input SVG through usvg_ * iterate depth-first through resulting SVG. * for groups: apply transforms and clip and recurse * for images: Vectorize using selected vectorizer * for paths: * flatten path using Cairo * remove self-intersections using Clipper * if stroke is set: process dash, then offset using Clipper * apply pattern fills * clip to clip-path * remove holes using Clipper * for KiCAD S-Expression export: vector-composite results using CavalierContours: subtract each clear output primitive from all previous dark output primitives Command-line usage ------------------ Generate SVG template from Gerber files: .. code-block:: shell gerbolyze template [options] [-t|--top top_side_output.svg] [-b|--bottom ...] Render design from an SVG made with the template above into a set of gerber files: .. code-block:: shell gerbolyze paste [options] [-t|--top top_side_design.svg] [-b|--bottom ...] output_dir Use svg-flatten to convert an SVG file into Gerber or flattened SVG: .. code-block:: shell svg-flatten [options] --format [gerber|svg] [input_file.svg] [output_file] Use svg-flatten to convert an SVG file into the given layer of a KiCAD S-Expression (``.kicad_mod``) file: .. code-block:: shell svg-flatten [options] --format kicad --sexp-layer F.SilkS --sexp-mod-name My_Module [input_file.svg] [output_file] Use svg-flatten to convert an SVG file into a ``.kicad_mod`` with SVG layers fed into separate KiCAD layers based on their IDs like the popular ``svg2mod`` is doing: Note: Right now, the input SVG's layers must have *ids* that match up KiCAD's s-exp layer names. Note that when you name a layer in Inkscape that only sets a ``name`` attribute, but does not change the ID. In order to change the ID in Inkscape, you have to use Inkscape's "object properties" context menu function. Also note that svg-flatten expects the layer names KiCAD uses in their S-Expression format. These are *different* to the layer names KiCAD exposes in the UI (even though most of them match up!). For your convenience, there is an SVG template with all the right layer names and IDs located next to this README. .. code-block:: shell svg-flatten [options] --format kicad --sexp-mod-name My_Module [input_file.svg] [output_file] ``gerbolyze template`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usage: ``gerbolyze template [OPTIONS] INPUT`` Generate SVG template for gerbolyze paste from gerber files. INPUT may be a gerber file, directory of gerber files or zip file with gerber files Options: ******** ``-t, --top top_layer.svg`` Top layer output file. ``-b, --bottom bottom_layer.svg`` Bottom layer output file. --top or --bottom may be given at once. If neither is given, autogenerate filenames. ``--vector | --raster`` Embed preview renders into output file as SVG vector graphics instead of rendering them to PNG bitmaps. The resulting preview may slow down your SVG editor. ``--raster-dpi FLOAT`` DPI for rastering preview ``--bbox TEXT`` Output file bounding box. Format: "w,h" to force [w] mm by [h] mm output canvas OR "x,y,w,h" to force [w] mm by [h] mm output canvas with its bottom left corner at the given input gerber coördinates. ``gerbolyze paste`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (see `below `__) Usage: ``gerbolyze paste [OPTIONS] INPUT_GERBERS OUTPUT_GERBERS`` Render vector data and raster images from SVG file into gerbers. Options: ******** ``-t, --top TEXT`` Top side SVG overlay input file. At least one of this and ``--bottom`` should be given. ``-b, --bottom TEXT`` Bottom side SVG overlay input file. At least one of this and ``--top`` should be given. ``--layer-top`` Top side SVG or PNG target layer. Default: Map SVG layers to Gerber layers, map PNG to Silk. ``--layer-bottom`` Bottom side SVG or PNG target layer. See ``--layer-top``. ``--bbox TEXT`` Output file bounding box. Format: "w,h" to force [w] mm by [h] mm output canvas OR "x,y,w,h" to force [w] mm by [h] mm output canvas with its bottom left corner at the given input gerber coördinates. This **must match the ``--bbox`` value given to template**! ``--subtract TEXT`` Use user subtraction script from argument (see `below `_) ``--no-subtract`` Disable subtraction (see `below `_) ``--dilate FLOAT`` Default dilation for subtraction operations in mm (see `below `_) ``--trace-space FLOAT`` Passed through to svg-flatten, see `below `__. ``--vectorizer TEXT`` Passed through to svg-flatten, see `its description below `__. Also have a look at `the examples below `_. ``--vectorizer-map TEXT`` Passed through to svg-flatten, see `below `__. ``--exclude-groups TEXT`` Passed through to svg-flatten, see `below `__. .. _subtraction_script: Subtraction scripts ******************* Subtraction scripts tell ``gerbolyze paste`` which layers to remove from other layers. When a source layer is given in the subtraction script, gerbolyze will dilate everything on this source layer and remove it from the target layer. By default, Gerbolyze subtracts the mask layer from the silk layer to make sure there are no silk primitives that overlap bare copper. The syntax of these scripts is: .. code-block:: {target layer} -= {source layer} {dilation} [; ...] The target layer must be ``out.{layer name}`` and the source layer ``in.{layer name}``. The layer names are gerbolyze's internal layer names, i.e.: ``paste, silk, mask, copper, outline, drill`` The dilation value is optional, but can be a float with a leading ``+`` or ``-``. If given, before subtraction the source layer's features will be extended by that many mm. If not given, the dilation defaults to the value given by ``--dilate`` if given or 0.1 mm otherwise. To disable dilation, simply pass ``+0`` here. Multiple commands can be separated by semicolons ``;`` or line breaks. The default subtraction script is: .. code-block:: -= in.mask .. _svg_flatten: ``svg-flatten`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usage: ``svg-flatten [OPTIONS]... [INPUT_FILE] [OUTPUT_FILE]`` Specify ``-`` for stdin/stdout. Options: ******** ``-h, --help`` Print help and exit ``-v, --version`` Print version and exit ``-o, --format`` Output format. Supported: gerber, svg, s-exp (KiCAD S-Expression) ``-p, --precision`` Number of decimal places use for exported coordinates (gerber: 1-9, SVG: 0-*). Note that not all gerber viewers are happy with too many digits. 5 or 6 is a reasonable choice. ``--clear-color`` SVG color to use for "clear" areas (default: white) ``--dark-color`` SVG color to use for "dark" areas (default: black) ``-d, --trace-space`` Minimum feature size of elements in vectorized graphics (trace/space) in mm. Default: 0.1mm. ``--no-header`` Do not export output format header/footer, only export the primitives themselves ``--flatten`` Flatten output so it only consists of non-overlapping white polygons. This perform composition at the vector level. Potentially slow. This defaults to on when using KiCAD S-Exp export because KiCAD does not know polarity or colors. ``--no-flatten`` Disable automatic flattening for KiCAD S-Exp export ``--dilate`` Dilate output gerber primitives by this amount in mm. Used for masking out other layers. ``-g, --only-groups`` Comma-separated list of group IDs to export. ``-b, --vectorizer`` Vectorizer to use for bitmap images. One of poisson-disc (default), hex-grid, square-grid, binary-contours, dev-null. Have a look at `the examples below `_. ``--vectorizer-map`` Map from image element id to vectorizer. Overrides --vectorizer. Format: id1=vectorizer,id2=vectorizer,... You can use this to set a certain vectorizer for specific images, e.g. if you want to use both halftone vectorization and contour tracing in the same SVG. Note that you can set an ```` element's SVG ID from within Inkscape though the context menu's Object Properties tool. ``--force-svg`` Force SVG input irrespective of file name ``--force-png`` Force bitmap graphics input irrespective of file name ``-s, --size`` Bitmap mode only: Physical size of output image in mm. Format: 12.34x56.78 ``--sexp-mod-name`` Module name for KiCAD S-Exp output. This is a mandatory argument if using S-Exp output. ``--sexp-layer`` Layer for KiCAD S-Exp output. Defaults to auto-detect layers from SVG layer/top-level group IDs. If given, SVG groups and layers are completely ignored and everything is simply vectorized into this layer, though you cna still use ``-g`` for group selection. ``-a, --preserve-aspect-ratio`` Bitmap mode only: Preserve aspect ratio of image. Allowed values are meet, slice. Can also parse full SVG preserveAspectRatio syntax. ``--no-usvg`` Do not preprocess input using usvg (do not use unless you know *exactly* what you're doing) ``--usvg-dpi`` Passed through to usvg's --dpi, in case the input file has different ideas of DPI than usvg has. ``--scale`` Scale input svg lengths by this factor. ``-e, --exclude-groups`` Comma-separated list of group IDs to exclude from export. Takes precedence over --only-groups. .. _vectorization: Gerbolyze image vectorization ----------------------------- Gerbolyze has two built-in strategies to translate pixel images into vector images. One is its built-in halftone processor that tries to approximate grayscale. The other is its built-in binary vectorizer that traces contours in black-and-white images. Below are examples for the four options. The vectorizers can be used in isolation through ``svg-flatten`` with either an SVG input that contains an image or a PNG/JPG input. The vectorizer can be controlled globally using the ``--vectorizer`` flag in both ``gerbolyze`` and ``svg-flatten``. It can also be set on a per-image basis in both using ``--vectorizer-map [image svg id]=[option]["," ...]``. .. for f in vec_*.png; convert -background white -gravity center $f -resize 500x500 -extent 500x500 (basename -s .png $f)-square.png; end .. for vec in hexgrid square poisson contours; convert vec_"$vec"_whole-square.png vec_"$vec"_detail-square.png -background transparent -splice 25x0+0+0 +append -chop 25x0+0+0 vec_"$vec"_composited.png; end ``--vectorizer poisson-disc`` (the default) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: pics/vec_poisson_composited.png ``--vectorizer hex-grid`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: pics/vec_hexgrid_composited.png ``--vectorizer square-grid`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: pics/vec_square_composited.png ``--vectorizer binary-contours`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: pics/vec_contours_composited.png The binary contours vectorizer requires a black-and-white binary input image. As you can see, like every bitmap tracer it will produce some artifacts. For artistic input this is usually not too bad as long as the input data is high-resolution. Antialiased edges in the input image are not only OK, they may even help with an accurate vectorization. GIMP halftone preprocessing guide --------------------------------- Gerbolyze has its own built-in halftone processor, but you can also use the high-quality "newsprint" filter built into GIMP_ instead if you like. This section will guide you through this. The PNG you get out of this can then be fed into gerbolyze using ``--vectorizer binary-contours``. 1 Import a render of the board generated using ``gerbolyze render`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``gerbolyze render`` will automatically scale the render such that ten pixels in the render correspond to 6mil on the board, which is about the smallest detail most manufacturers can resolve on the silkscreen layer. You can control this setting using the ``--fab-resolution`` and ``--oversampling`` options. Refer to ``gerbolyze --help`` for details. .. image:: 2 Import your desired artwork ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Though anime or manga pictures are highly recommended, you can use any image including photographs. Be careful to select a picture with comparatively low detail that remains recognizable at very low resolution. While working on a screen this is hard to vizualize, but the grain resulting from the low resolution of a PCB's silkscreen is quite coarse. .. image:: 3 Paste the artwork onto the render as a new layer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: 4 Scale, rotate and position the artwork to the desired size ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: For alignment it may help to set the artwork layer's mode in the layers dialog to ``overlay``, which makes the PCB render layer below shine through more. If you can't set the layer's mode, make sure you have actually made a new layer from the floating selection you get when pasting one image into another in the GIMP. .. image:: 5 Convert the image to grayscale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: 6 Fine-tune the image's contrast ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To look well on the PCB, contrast is critical. If your source image is in color, you may have lost some contrast during grayscale conversion. Now is the time to retouch that using the GIMP's color curve tool. When using the GIMP's newsprint filter, bright grays close to white and dark grays close to black will cause very small dots that might be beyond your PCB manufacturer's maximum resolution. To control this case, add small steps at the ends of the grayscale value curve as shown (exaggerated) in the picture below. These steps saturate very bright grays to white and very dark grays to black while preserving the values in the middle. .. image:: 7 Retouch details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Therer might be small details that don't look right yet, such as the image's background color or small highlights that merge into the background now. You can manually change the color of any detail now using the GIMP's flood-fill tool. If you don't want the image's background to show up on the final PCB at all, just make it black. Particularly on low-resolution source images it may make sense to apply a blur with a radius similar to the following newsprint filter's cell size (10px) to smooth out the dot pattern generated by the newsprint filter. .. image:: In the following example, I retouched the highlights in the hair of the character in the picture to make them completely white instead of light-gray, so they still stand out nicely in the finished picture. .. image:: 8 Run the newsprint filter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, run the GIMP's newsprint filter, under filters, distorts, newsprint. The first important settings is the spot size, which should be larger than your PCB's minimum detail size (about 10px with ``gerbolyze render`` default settings for good-quality silkscreen). In general the cheap and fast standard option of chinese PCB houses will require a larger detail size, but when you order specialty options like large size, 4-layer or non-green color along with a longer turnaround time you'll get much better-quality silk screen. The second important setting is oversampling, which should be set to four or slightly higher. This improves the result of the edge reconstruction of ``gerbolyze vectorize``. .. image:: The following are examples on the detail resulting from the newsprint filter. .. image:: .. image:: .. image:: 9 Export the image for use with ``gerbolyze vectorize`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simply export the image as a PNG file. Below are some pictures of the output ``gerbolyze vectorize`` produced for this example. .. image:: .. image:: .. image:: Gallery ------- .. image:: Limitations ----------- SVG raster features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Currently, SVG masks and filters are not supported. Though SVG is marketed as a "vector graphics format", these two features are really raster primitives that all SVG viewers perform at the pixel level after rasterization. Since supporting these would likely not end up looking like what you want, it is not a planned feature. If you need masks or filters, simply export the relevant parts of the SVG as a PNG then include that in your template. Gerber pass-through ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since gerbolyze has to composite your input gerbers with its own output, it has to fully parse and re-serialize them. gerbolyze uses pcb-tools_ and pcb-tools-extension_ for all its gerber parsing needs. Both seem well-written, but likely not free of bugs. This means that in rare cases information may get lost during this round trip. Thus, *always* check the output files for errors before submitting them to production. Gerbolyze is provided without any warranty, but still please open an issue or `send me an email `__ if you find any errors or inconsistencies. Licensing --------- This tool is licensed under the rather radical AGPLv3 license. Briefly, this means that you have to provide users of a webapp using this tool in the backend with this tool's source. I get that some people have issues with the AGPL. In case this license prevents you from using this software, please send me `an email `__ and I can grant you an exception. I want this software to be useful to as many people as possible and I wouldn't want the license to be a hurdle to anyone. OTOH I see a danger of some cheap board house just integrating a fork into their webpage without providing their changes back upstream, and I want to avoid that so the default license is still AGPL. .. _usvg: .. _Inkscape: .. _pcb-tools: .. _pcb-tools-extension: .. _GIMP: