From f7b4cc602b9a646fbc66f3f17d6bb9c20efc3ead Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jaseg Del.» function GetNext: TPolyNode; C++ » PolyNode* GetNext(); C# » public PolyNode GetNext(); The returned Polynode will be the first child if any, otherwise the next sibling, otherwise the next sibling of the Parent etc.
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+ ClipperLib
+ PolyNode
A PolyTree can be traversed very easily by calling GetFirst() followed by GetNext() in a loop until the returned object is a null pointer ...
+ PolyTree polytree;
+ //call to Clipper.Execute method here which fills 'polytree'
+ PolyNode* polynode = polytree.GetFirst();
+ while (polynode)
+ {
+ //do stuff with polynode here
+ polynode = polynode->GetNext();
+ }
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