From f7b4cc602b9a646fbc66f3f17d6bb9c20efc3ead Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jaseg Del.» procedure Execute(out solution: TPaths; Delta: Double); overload; C++ » void Execute(Paths& solution, double delta); C# » public void Execute(ref Paths solution, double delta); Del.» procedure Execute(out PolyTree: TPolyTree; Delta: Double); overload; C++ » void Execute(PolyTree& polytree, double delta); C# » public void Execute(ref PolyTree polytree, double delta); This method takes two parameters. The first is the structure that receives the result of the offset operation (either a PolyTree or a Paths structure). The second parameter is the amount to which the supplied paths will be offset. Negative delta values shrink polygons and positive delta expand them.
+ Home
+ ClipperLib
+ ClipperOffset
This method can be called multiple times, offsetting the same paths by different amounts (ie using different deltas).
+#include "clipper.hpp"
+using namespace ClipperLib;
+int main()
+ Path subj;
+ Paths solution;
+ subj <<
+ IntPoint(348,257) << IntPoint(364,148) << IntPoint(362,148) <<
+ IntPoint(326,241) << IntPoint(295,219) << IntPoint(258,88) <<
+ IntPoint(440,129) << IntPoint(370,196) << IntPoint(372,275);
+ ClipperOffset co;
+ co.AddPath(subj, jtRound, etClosedPolygon);
+ co.Execute(solution, -7.0);
+ //draw solution ...
+ DrawPolygons(solution, 0x4000FF00, 0xFF009900);
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