path: root/svg-flatten/include/gerbolyze.hpp
diff options
authorjaseg <git@jaseg.de>2021-01-30 20:01:00 +0100
committerjaseg <git@jaseg.de>2021-01-30 20:01:00 +0100
commit2133867c8a86337c6668f9cfff06e4de9bd0bcce (patch)
treea8d1a9b41f7ae18a5a258e139635e4c54a990fc7 /svg-flatten/include/gerbolyze.hpp
parent617a42a674bea6fcd90e19092303ce89acf4206e (diff)
Reorg: move svg-flatten files into subdir
Diffstat (limited to 'svg-flatten/include/gerbolyze.hpp')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svg-flatten/include/gerbolyze.hpp b/svg-flatten/include/gerbolyze.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fe13ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svg-flatten/include/gerbolyze.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+ * This file is part of gerbolyze, a vector image preprocessing toolchain
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 Jan Sebastian Götte <gerbolyze@jaseg.de>
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <pugixml.hpp>
+#include "svg_pattern.h"
+namespace gerbolyze {
+ constexpr char lib_version[] = "2.0";
+ typedef std::array<double, 2> d2p;
+ typedef std::function<std::vector<d2p> *(double, double, double)> sampling_fun;
+ typedef std::vector<d2p> Polygon;
+ enum GerberPolarityToken {
+ };
+ class LayerNameToken {
+ public:
+ std::string m_name;
+ };
+ class PolygonSink {
+ public:
+ virtual ~PolygonSink() {}
+ virtual void header(d2p origin, d2p size) {(void) origin; (void) size;}
+ virtual PolygonSink &operator<<(const Polygon &poly) = 0;
+ virtual PolygonSink &operator<<(const LayerNameToken &) { return *this; };
+ virtual PolygonSink &operator<<(GerberPolarityToken pol) = 0;
+ virtual void footer() {}
+ };
+ class Flattener_D;
+ class Flattener : public PolygonSink {
+ public:
+ Flattener(PolygonSink &sink);
+ virtual ~Flattener();
+ virtual void header(d2p origin, d2p size);
+ virtual Flattener &operator<<(const Polygon &poly);
+ virtual Flattener &operator<<(const LayerNameToken &layer_name);
+ virtual Flattener &operator<<(GerberPolarityToken pol);
+ virtual void footer();
+ private:
+ void render_out_clear_polys();
+ void flush_polys_to_sink();
+ PolygonSink &m_sink;
+ GerberPolarityToken m_current_polarity = GRB_POL_DARK;
+ Flattener_D *d;
+ };
+ class Dilater : public PolygonSink {
+ public:
+ Dilater(PolygonSink &sink, double dilation) : m_sink(sink), m_dilation(dilation) {}
+ virtual void header(d2p origin, d2p size);
+ virtual Dilater &operator<<(const Polygon &poly);
+ virtual Dilater &operator<<(const LayerNameToken &layer_name);
+ virtual Dilater &operator<<(GerberPolarityToken pol);
+ virtual void footer();
+ private:
+ PolygonSink &m_sink;
+ double m_dilation;
+ GerberPolarityToken m_current_polarity = GRB_POL_DARK;
+ };
+ class StreamPolygonSink : public PolygonSink {
+ public:
+ StreamPolygonSink(std::ostream &out, bool only_polys=false) : m_only_polys(only_polys), m_out(out) {}
+ virtual ~StreamPolygonSink() {}
+ virtual void header(d2p origin, d2p size) { if (!m_only_polys) header_impl(origin, size); }
+ virtual void footer() { if (!m_only_polys) { footer_impl(); } m_out.flush(); }
+ protected:
+ virtual void header_impl(d2p origin, d2p size) = 0;
+ virtual void footer_impl() = 0;
+ bool m_only_polys = false;
+ std::ostream &m_out;
+ };
+ extern const std::vector<std::string> kicad_default_layers;
+ class ElementSelector {
+ public:
+ virtual bool match(const pugi::xml_node &node, bool included, bool is_root) const = 0;
+ };
+ class IDElementSelector : public ElementSelector {
+ public:
+ virtual bool match(const pugi::xml_node &node, bool included, bool is_root) const;
+ std::vector<std::string> include;
+ std::vector<std::string> exclude;
+ const std::vector<std::string> *layers = nullptr;
+ };
+ class ImageVectorizer {
+ public:
+ virtual ~ImageVectorizer() {};
+ virtual void vectorize_image(cairo_t *cr, const pugi::xml_node &node, ClipperLib::Paths &clip_path, cairo_matrix_t &viewport_matrix, PolygonSink &sink, double min_feature_size_px) = 0;
+ };
+ ImageVectorizer *makeVectorizer(const std::string &name);
+ class VectorizerSelectorizer {
+ public:
+ VectorizerSelectorizer(const std::string default_vectorizer="dev-null", const std::string defs="");
+ ImageVectorizer *select(const pugi::xml_node &img);
+ private:
+ std::string m_default;
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> m_map;
+ };
+ class RenderSettings {
+ public:
+ double m_minimum_feature_size_mm = 0.1;
+ VectorizerSelectorizer &m_vec_sel;
+ };
+ class SVGDocument {
+ public:
+ SVGDocument() : _valid(false) {}
+ ~SVGDocument();
+ /* true -> load successful */
+ bool load(std::istream &in, std::string debug_out_filename="/tmp/kicad_svg_debug.svg");
+ bool load(std::string filename, std::string debug_out_filename="/tmp/kicad_svg_debug.svg");
+ /* true -> load successful */
+ bool valid() const { return _valid; }
+ operator bool() const { return valid(); }
+ double mm_to_doc_units(double) const;
+ double doc_units_to_mm(double) const;
+ double width() const { return page_w_mm; }
+ double height() const { return page_h_mm; }
+ void render(const RenderSettings &rset, PolygonSink &sink, const ElementSelector *sel=nullptr);
+ void render_to_list(const RenderSettings &rset, std::vector<std::pair<Polygon, GerberPolarityToken>> &out, const ElementSelector *sel=nullptr);
+ private:
+ friend class Pattern;
+ cairo_t *cairo() { return cr; }
+ const ClipperLib::Paths *lookup_clip_path(const pugi::xml_node &node);
+ Pattern *lookup_pattern(const std::string id);
+ void export_svg_group(const RenderSettings &rset, const pugi::xml_node &group, ClipperLib::Paths &parent_clip_path, const ElementSelector *sel=nullptr, bool included=true, bool is_root=false);
+ void export_svg_path(const RenderSettings &rset, const pugi::xml_node &node, ClipperLib::Paths &clip_path);
+ void setup_debug_output(std::string filename="");
+ void setup_viewport_clip();
+ void load_clips();
+ void load_patterns();
+ bool _valid;
+ pugi::xml_document svg_doc;
+ pugi::xml_node root_elem;
+ pugi::xml_node defs_node;
+ double vb_x, vb_y, vb_w, vb_h;
+ double page_w, page_h;
+ double page_w_mm, page_h_mm;
+ std::map<std::string, Pattern> pattern_map;
+ std::map<std::string, ClipperLib::Paths> clip_path_map;
+ cairo_matrix_t viewport_matrix;
+ ClipperLib::Paths vb_paths; /* viewport clip rect */
+ cairo_t *cr = nullptr;
+ cairo_surface_t *surface = nullptr;
+ PolygonSink *polygon_sink = nullptr;
+ static constexpr double dbg_fill_alpha = 0.8;
+ static constexpr double dbg_stroke_alpha = 1.0;
+ static constexpr double assumed_usvg_dpi = 96.0;
+ };
+ typedef std::function<void (const Polygon &, GerberPolarityToken)> lambda_sink_fun;
+ class LambdaPolygonSink : public PolygonSink {
+ public:
+ LambdaPolygonSink(lambda_sink_fun lambda) : m_lambda(lambda) {}
+ virtual LambdaPolygonSink &operator<<(const Polygon &poly);
+ virtual LambdaPolygonSink &operator<<(GerberPolarityToken pol);
+ private:
+ GerberPolarityToken m_currentPolarity = GRB_POL_DARK;
+ lambda_sink_fun m_lambda;
+ };
+ class SimpleGerberOutput : public StreamPolygonSink {
+ public:
+ SimpleGerberOutput(std::ostream &out, bool only_polys=false, int digits_int=4, int digits_frac=6, d2p offset={0,0});
+ virtual ~SimpleGerberOutput() {}
+ virtual SimpleGerberOutput &operator<<(const Polygon &poly);
+ virtual SimpleGerberOutput &operator<<(GerberPolarityToken pol);
+ virtual void header_impl(d2p origin, d2p size);
+ virtual void footer_impl();
+ private:
+ int m_digits_int;
+ int m_digits_frac;
+ double m_width;
+ double m_height;
+ long long int m_gerber_scale;
+ d2p m_offset;
+ };
+ class SimpleSVGOutput : public StreamPolygonSink {
+ public:
+ SimpleSVGOutput(std::ostream &out, bool only_polys=false, int digits_frac=6, std::string dark_color="#000000", std::string clear_color="#ffffff");
+ virtual ~SimpleSVGOutput() {}
+ virtual SimpleSVGOutput &operator<<(const Polygon &poly);
+ virtual SimpleSVGOutput &operator<<(GerberPolarityToken pol);
+ virtual void header_impl(d2p origin, d2p size);
+ virtual void footer_impl();
+ private:
+ int m_digits_frac;
+ std::string m_dark_color;
+ std::string m_clear_color;
+ std::string m_current_color;
+ d2p m_offset;
+ };
+ class KicadSexpOutput : public StreamPolygonSink {
+ public:
+ KicadSexpOutput(std::ostream &out, std::string mod_name, std::string layer, bool only_polys=false, std::string m_ref_text="", std::string m_val_text="G*****", d2p ref_pos={0,10}, d2p val_pos={0,-10});
+ virtual ~KicadSexpOutput() {}
+ virtual KicadSexpOutput &operator<<(const Polygon &poly);
+ virtual KicadSexpOutput &operator<<(const LayerNameToken &layer_name);
+ virtual KicadSexpOutput &operator<<(GerberPolarityToken pol);
+ virtual void header_impl(d2p origin, d2p size);
+ virtual void footer_impl();
+ void set_export_layers(const std::vector<std::string> &layers) { m_export_layers = &layers; }
+ private:
+ const std::vector<std::string> *m_export_layers = &kicad_default_layers;
+ std::string m_mod_name;
+ std::string m_layer;
+ bool m_auto_layer;
+ std::string m_ref_text;
+ std::string m_val_text;
+ d2p m_ref_pos;
+ d2p m_val_pos;
+ };