path: root/src/main.cpp
diff options
authorjaseg <git@jaseg.de>2021-01-30 20:01:00 +0100
committerjaseg <git@jaseg.de>2021-01-30 20:01:00 +0100
commit2133867c8a86337c6668f9cfff06e4de9bd0bcce (patch)
treea8d1a9b41f7ae18a5a258e139635e4c54a990fc7 /src/main.cpp
parent617a42a674bea6fcd90e19092303ce89acf4206e (diff)
Reorg: move svg-flatten files into subdir
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 395 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 135a4c1..0000000
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <filesystem>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <string>
-#include <argagg.hpp>
-#include <subprocess.h>
-#include <gerbolyze.hpp>
-#include "vec_core.h"
-#include <base64.h>
-using argagg::parser_results;
-using argagg::parser;
-using namespace std;
-using namespace gerbolyze;
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- parser argparser {{
- {"help", {"-h", "--help"},
- "Print help and exit",
- 0},
- {"version", {"-v", "--version"},
- "Print version and exit",
- 0},
- {"ofmt", {"-o", "--format"},
- "Output format. Supported: gerber, svg, s-exp (KiCAD S-Expression)",
- 1},
- {"precision", {"-p", "--precision"},
- "Number of decimal places use for exported coordinates (gerber: 1-9, SVG: 0-*)",
- 1},
- {"svg_clear_color", {"--clear-color"},
- "SVG color to use for \"clear\" areas (default: white)",
- 1},
- {"svg_dark_color", {"--dark-color"},
- "SVG color to use for \"dark\" areas (default: black)",
- 1},
- {"min_feature_size", {"-d", "--trace-space"},
- "Minimum feature size of elements in vectorized graphics (trace/space) in mm. Default: 0.1mm.",
- 1},
- {"no_header", {"--no-header"},
- "Do not export output format header/footer, only export the primitives themselves",
- 0},
- {"flatten", {"--flatten"},
- "Flatten output so it only consists of non-overlapping white polygons. This perform composition at the vector level. Potentially slow.",
- 0},
- {"no_flatten", {"--no-flatten"},
- "Disable automatic flattening for KiCAD S-Exp export",
- 0},
- {"dilate", {"--dilate"},
- "Dilate output gerber primitives by this amount in mm. Used for masking out other layers.",
- 1},
- {"only_groups", {"-g", "--only-groups"},
- "Comma-separated list of group IDs to export.",
- 1},
- {"vectorizer", {"-b", "--vectorizer"},
- "Vectorizer to use for bitmap images. One of poisson-disc (default), hex-grid, square-grid, binary-contours, dev-null.",
- 1},
- {"vectorizer_map", {"--vectorizer-map"},
- "Map from image element id to vectorizer. Overrides --vectorizer. Format: id1=vectorizer,id2=vectorizer,...",
- 1},
- {"force_svg", {"--force-svg"},
- "Force SVG input irrespective of file name",
- 0},
- {"force_png", {"--force-png"},
- "Force bitmap graphics input irrespective of file name",
- 0},
- {"size", {"-s", "--size"},
- "Bitmap mode only: Physical size of output image in mm. Format: 12.34x56.78",
- 1},
- {"sexp_mod_name", {"--sexp-mod-name"},
- "Module name for KiCAD S-Exp output",
- 1},
- {"sexp_layer", {"--sexp-layer"},
- "Layer for KiCAD S-Exp output. Defaults to auto-detect layers from SVG layer/top-level group names",
- 1},
- {"preserve_aspect_ratio", {"-a", "--preserve-aspect-ratio"},
- "Bitmap mode only: Preserve aspect ratio of image. Allowed values are meet, slice. Can also parse full SVG preserveAspectRatio syntax.",
- 1},
- {"skip_usvg", {"--no-usvg"},
- "Do not preprocess input using usvg (do not use unless you know *exactly* what you're doing)",
- 0},
- {"exclude_groups", {"-e", "--exclude-groups"},
- "Comma-separated list of group IDs to exclude from export. Takes precedence over --only-groups.",
- 1},
- }};
- ostringstream usage;
- usage
- << argv[0] << " " << lib_version << endl
- << endl
- << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options]... [input_file] [output_file]" << endl
- << endl
- << "Specify \"-\" for stdin/stdout." << endl
- << endl;
- argagg::parser_results args;
- try {
- args = argparser.parse(argc, argv);
- } catch (const std::exception& e) {
- argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr);
- fmt << usage.str() << argparser << '\n'
- << "Encountered exception while parsing arguments: " << e.what()
- << '\n';
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- if (args["help"]) {
- argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr);
- fmt << usage.str() << argparser;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- if (args["version"]) {
- cerr << lib_version << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
- string in_f_name;
- istream *in_f = &cin;
- ifstream in_f_file;
- string out_f_name;
- ostream *out_f = &cout;
- ofstream out_f_file;
- if (args.pos.size() >= 1) {
- in_f_name = args.pos[0];
- if (args.pos.size() >= 2) {
- out_f_name = args.pos[1];
- }
- }
- if (!in_f_name.empty() && in_f_name != "-") {
- in_f_file.open(in_f_name);
- if (!in_f_file) {
- cerr << "Cannot open input file \"" << in_f_name << "\"" << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- in_f = &in_f_file;
- }
- if (!out_f_name.empty() && out_f_name != "-") {
- out_f_file.open(out_f_name);
- if (!out_f_file) {
- cerr << "Cannot open output file \"" << out_f_name << "\"" << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- out_f = &out_f_file;
- }
- bool only_polys = args["no_header"];
- int precision = 6;
- if (args["precision"]) {
- precision = atoi(args["precision"]);
- }
- string fmt = args["ofmt"] ? args["ofmt"] : "gerber";
- transform(fmt.begin(), fmt.end(), fmt.begin(), [](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); }); /* c++ yeah */
- string sexp_layer = args["sexp_layer"] ? args["sexp_layer"].as<string>() : "auto";
- bool force_flatten = false;
- bool is_sexp = false;
- PolygonSink *sink = nullptr;
- PolygonSink *flattener = nullptr;
- PolygonSink *dilater = nullptr;
- if (fmt == "svg") {
- string dark_color = args["svg_dark_color"] ? args["svg_dark_color"] : "#000000";
- string clear_color = args["svg_clear_color"] ? args["svg_clear_color"] : "#ffffff";
- sink = new SimpleSVGOutput(*out_f, only_polys, precision, dark_color, clear_color);
- } else if (fmt == "gbr" || fmt == "grb" || fmt == "gerber") {
- sink = new SimpleGerberOutput(*out_f, only_polys, 4, precision);
- } else if (fmt == "s-exp" || fmt == "sexp" || fmt == "kicad") {
- if (!args["sexp_mod_name"]) {
- cerr << "--sexp-mod-name must be given for sexp export" << endl;
- argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr);
- fmt << usage.str() << argparser;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- sink = new KicadSexpOutput(*out_f, args["sexp_mod_name"], sexp_layer, only_polys);
- force_flatten = true;
- is_sexp = true;
- } else {
- cerr << "Unknown output format \"" << fmt << "\"" << endl;
- argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr);
- fmt << usage.str() << argparser;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- PolygonSink *top_sink = sink;
- if (args["dilate"]) {
- dilater = new Dilater(*top_sink, args["dilate"].as<double>());
- top_sink = dilater;
- }
- if (args["flatten"] || (force_flatten && !args["no_flatten"])) {
- flattener = new Flattener(*top_sink);
- top_sink = flattener;
- }
- /* Because the C++ stdlib is bullshit */
- auto id_match = [](string in, vector<string> &out) {
- stringstream ss(in);
- while (getline(ss, out.emplace_back(), ',')) {
- }
- out.pop_back();
- };
- IDElementSelector sel;
- if (args["only_groups"])
- id_match(args["only_groups"], sel.include);
- if (args["exclude_groups"])
- id_match(args["exclude_groups"], sel.exclude);
- if (is_sexp && sexp_layer == "auto") {
- sel.layers = &gerbolyze::kicad_default_layers;
- }
- string vectorizer = args["vectorizer"] ? args["vectorizer"] : "poisson-disc";
- /* Check argument */
- ImageVectorizer *vec = makeVectorizer(vectorizer);
- if (!vec) {
- cerr << "Unknown vectorizer \"" << vectorizer << "\"." << endl;
- argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr);
- fmt << usage.str() << argparser;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- delete vec;
- double min_feature_size = 0.1; /* mm */
- if (args["min_feature_size"]) {
- min_feature_size = args["min_feature_size"].as<double>();
- }
- string ending = "";
- auto idx = in_f_name.rfind(".");
- if (idx != string::npos) {
- ending = in_f_name.substr(idx);
- transform(ending.begin(), ending.end(), ending.begin(), [](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); }); /* c++ yeah */
- }
- filesystem::path barf = { filesystem::temp_directory_path() /= (std::tmpnam(nullptr) + string(".svg")) };
- filesystem::path frob = { filesystem::temp_directory_path() /= (std::tmpnam(nullptr) + string(".svg")) };
- bool is_svg = args["force_svg"] || (ending == ".svg" && !args["force_png"]);
- if (!is_svg) {
- cerr << "writing bitmap into svg" << endl;
- if (!args["size"]) {
- cerr << "Error: --size must be given when using bitmap input." << endl;
- argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr);
- fmt << usage.str() << argparser;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- string sz = args["size"].as<string>();
- auto pos = sz.find_first_of("x*,");
- if (pos == string::npos) {
- cerr << "Error: --size must be of form 12.34x56.78" << endl;
- argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr);
- fmt << usage.str() << argparser;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- string x_str = sz.substr(0, pos);
- string y_str = sz.substr(pos+1);
- double width = std::strtod(x_str.c_str(), nullptr);
- double height = std::strtod(y_str.c_str(), nullptr);
- if (width < 1 || height < 1) {
- cerr << "Error: --size must be of form 12.34x56.78 and values must be positive floating-point numbers in mm" << endl;
- argagg::fmt_ostream fmt(cerr);
- fmt << usage.str() << argparser;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- ofstream svg(barf.c_str());
- svg << "<svg width=\"" << width << "mm\" height=\"" << height << "mm\" viewBox=\"0 0 "
- << width << " " << height << "\" "
- << "xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\">" << endl;
- string par_attr = "none";
- if (args["preserve_aspect_ratio"]) {
- string aspect_ratio = args["preserve_aspect_ratio"].as<string>();
- if (aspect_ratio == "meet") {
- par_attr = "xMidYMid meet";
- } else if (aspect_ratio == "slice") {
- par_attr = "xMidYMid slice";
- } else {
- par_attr = aspect_ratio;
- }
- }
- svg << "<image width=\"" << width << "\" height=\"" << height << "\" x=\"0\" y=\"0\" preserveAspectRatio=\""
- << par_attr << "\" xlink:href=\"data:image/png;base64,";
- /* c++ has the best hacks */
- std::ostringstream sstr;
- sstr << in_f->rdbuf();
- string le_data = sstr.str();
- svg << base64_encode(le_data);
- svg << "\"/>" << endl;
- svg << "</svg>" << endl;
- svg.close();
- } else { /* svg file */
- cerr << "copying svg input into temp svg" << endl;
- /* c++ has the best hacks */
- std::ostringstream sstr;
- sstr << in_f->rdbuf();
- ofstream tmp_out(barf.c_str());
- tmp_out << sstr.str();
- tmp_out.close();
- }
- if (args["skip_usvg"]) {
- cerr << "skipping usvg" << endl;
- frob = barf;
- } else {
- cerr << "calling usvg on " << barf << " and " << frob << endl;
- const char *command_line[] = {"usvg", "--keep-named-groups", barf.c_str(), frob.c_str(), NULL};
- struct subprocess_s subprocess;
- int rc = subprocess_create(command_line, subprocess_option_inherit_environment, &subprocess);
- if (rc) {
- cerr << "Error calling usvg!" << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- int usvg_rc = 0;
- rc = subprocess_join(&subprocess, &usvg_rc);
- if (rc) {
- cerr << "Error calling usvg!" << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- if (usvg_rc) {
- cerr << "usvg returned an error code: " << usvg_rc << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- rc = subprocess_destroy(&subprocess);
- if (rc) {
- cerr << "Error calling usvg!" << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- }
- VectorizerSelectorizer vec_sel(vectorizer, args["vectorizer_map"] ? args["vectorizer_map"] : "");
- RenderSettings rset {
- min_feature_size,
- vec_sel,
- };
- SVGDocument doc;
- cerr << "Loading temporary file " << frob << endl;
- ifstream load_f(frob);
- if (!doc.load(load_f)) {
- cerr << "Error loading input file \"" << in_f_name << "\", exiting." << endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- doc.render(rset, *top_sink, &sel);
- if (!is_svg) {
- remove(frob.c_str());
- remove(barf.c_str());
- }
- if (flattener) {
- delete flattener;
- }
- if (dilater) {
- delete dilater;
- }
- if (sink) {
- delete sink;
- }
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;