path: root/gerbolyze/__init__.py
diff options
authorjaseg <git-bigdata-wsl-arch@jaseg.de>2022-06-17 20:17:04 +0200
committerjaseg <git-bigdata-wsl-arch@jaseg.de>2022-06-17 20:17:04 +0200
commit826f414f9d069f77f67d8387aba01f44cd9b3fa4 (patch)
tree90d4a581aa2d2f4af80ba70c9fa1ce11a0e4a8ec /gerbolyze/__init__.py
parent6b6f13d2ab416538250f1891365e1dae38895a58 (diff)
cli: add direct conversion functions
Diffstat (limited to 'gerbolyze/__init__.py')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/gerbolyze/__init__.py b/gerbolyze/__init__.py
index df45753..775f084 100755
--- a/gerbolyze/__init__.py
+++ b/gerbolyze/__init__.py
@@ -126,25 +126,161 @@ def template(input_gerbers, output_svg, top, bottom, force, vector, raster_dpi):
output_svg = Path(output_svg)
stack = gn.LayerStack.open(source, lazy=True)
- bounds = stack.board_bounds()
- svg = str(stack.to_pretty_svg(side=('top' if top else 'bottom'), force_bounds=bounds))
+ svg = stack.to_pretty_svg(side=('top' if top else 'bottom'), inkscape=True)
- template_layers = [ f'{ttype}-{use}' for use in [ 'copper', 'mask', 'silk' ] ]
- silk = template_layers[-1]
+ template_layers = [ f'{ttype}-{use}' for use in [ 'copper', 'mask', 'silk' ] ] + ['mechanical outline']
+ silk = template_layers[-2]
if vector:
- # All gerbonara SVG is in MM by default
- output_svg.write_text(create_template_from_svg(bounds, svg, template_layers, current_layer=silk))
+ output_svg.write_text(create_template_from_svg(svg, template_layers, current_layer=silk))
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as temp_svg, \
tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') as temp_png:
- Path(temp_svg.name).write_text(svg)
+ Path(temp_svg.name).write_text(str(svg))
run_resvg(temp_svg.name, temp_png.name, dpi=f'{raster_dpi:.0f}')
- output_svg.write_text(template_svg_for_png(bounds, Path(temp_png.name).read_bytes(),
+ output_svg.write_text(template_svg_for_png(stack.board_bounds(), Path(temp_png.name).read_bytes(),
template_layers, current_layer=silk))
+class ClickSizeParam(click.ParamType):
+ name = 'Size'
+ def convert(self, value, param, ctx):
+ if isinstance(value, tuple):
+ return value
+ if not (m := re.match('([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)(mm|cm|in)?[xX*/,×]([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)(mm|cm|in)?', value)):
+ self.fail('Size must have format [width]x[height][unit]. The unit can be mm, cm or in. The unit is optional and defaults to mm.', param=param, ctx=ctx)
+ w, unit1, h, unit2 = m.groups()
+ if unit1 and unit2 and unit1 != unit2:
+ self.fail('Width and height must use the same unit. Two different units given for width and height: width is in {unit1}, and height is in {unit2}.', param=param, ctx=ctx)
+ unit = (unit1 or unit2) or 'mm'
+ return float(w), float(h), unit
+@click.argument('output_svg', type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, writable=True, allow_dash=True))
+@click.option('--size', type=ClickSizeParam(), default='100x100mm', help='PCB size in [width]x[height][unit] format. Units can be cm, mm or in, when no unit is given, defaults to mm. When no size is given, defaults to 100x100mm.')
+@click.option('--force', is_flag=True, help='Overwrite output file without asking if it exists.')
+@click.option('-n', '--copper-layers', default=2, type=int, help='Number of copper layers to generate.')
+@click.option('--no-default-layers', is_flag=True, help='Do not generate default layers.')
+@click.option('-l', '--layer', multiple=True, help='Add given layer to the top of the output layer stack. Can be given multiple times.')
+def empty_template(output_svg, size, force, copper_layers, no_default_layers, layer):
+ if output_svg == '-':
+ out = sys.stdout
+ else:
+ out = Path(output_svg)
+ if out.exists():
+ if not force and not click.confirm(f'Output file "{out}" already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?'):
+ raise click.ClickException(f'Output file "{out}" already exists, exiting.')
+ out = out.open('w')
+ layers = layer or []
+ current_layer = None
+ if not no_default_layers:
+ layers += ['top paste', 'top silk', 'top mask']
+ if copper_layers > 0:
+ current_layer = 'top copper'
+ inner = [ 'inner{i} copper' for i in range(max(0, copper_layers-2)) ]
+ layers += ['top copper', *inner, 'bottom copper'][:copper_layers]
+ layers += ['bottom mask', 'bottom silk', 'bottom paste']
+ layers += ['outline', 'plated drill', 'nonplated drill', 'comments']
+ if layers and current_layer is None:
+ current_layer = layers[0]
+ out.write(empty_pcb_template(size, layers, current_layer))
+ out.flush()
+ if output_svg != '-':
+ out.close()
+@click.argument('input_svg', type=click.Path(exists=True, path_type=Path))
+@click.argument('output_gerbers', type=click.Path(path_type=Path))
+@click.option('-n', '--naming-scheme', default='kicad', type=click.Choice(['kicad', 'altium']), help='Naming scheme for gerber output file names.')
+@click.option('--zip/--no-zip', 'is_zip', default=None, help='zip output files. Default: zip if output path ends with ".zip" or when outputting to stdout.')
+@click.option('--separate-drill-file/--composite-drill-file', 'separate_drill', help='Use Altium composite Excellon drill file format (default)')
+@click.option('--dilate', default=0.1, type=float, help='Default dilation for subtraction operations in mm')
+@click.option('--curve-tolerance', type=float, help='Tolerance for curve flattening in mm')
+@click.option('--no-subtract', 'no_subtract', flag_value=True, help='Disable subtraction')
+@click.option('--subtract', help='Use user subtraction script from argument (see description above)')
+@click.option('--trace-space', type=float, default=0.1, help='passed through to svg-flatten')
+@click.option('--vectorizer', help='passed through to svg-flatten')
+@click.option('--vectorizer-map', help='passed through to svg-flatten')
+@click.option('--exclude-groups', help='passed through to svg-flatten')
+def convert(input_svg, output_gerbers, is_zip, dilate, curve_tolerance, no_subtract, subtract, trace_space, vectorizer,
+ vectorizer_map, exclude_groups, separate_drill, naming_scheme):
+ ''' Convert SVG file directly to gerbers.
+ Unlike `gerbolyze paste`, this does not add the SVG's contents to existing gerbers. It allows you to directly create
+ PCBs using Inkscape similar to PCBModE.
+ '''
+ subtract_map = parse_subtract_script('' if no_subtract else subtract, dilate)
+ output_is_zip = output_gerbers.name.lower().endswith('.zip') if is_zip is None else is_zip
+ stack = gn.LayerStack({}, [], board_name=input_svg.stem, original_path=input_svg)
+ for group_id, label in get_layers_from_svg(input_svg.read_text()):
+ if not group_id or not label or 'no export' in label:
+ continue
+ if label == 'outline':
+ side, use = 'mechanical', 'outline'
+ elif label == 'comments':
+ side, use = 'other', 'comments'
+ elif len(label.split()) != 2:
+ warnings.warn('Unknown layer {label}')
+ continue
+ else:
+ side, use = label.split()
+ grb = svg_to_gerber(input_svg,
+ trace_space=trace_space, vectorizer=vectorizer, vectorizer_map=vectorizer_map,
+ exclude_groups=exclude_groups, curve_tolerance=curve_tolerance, only_groups=group_id,
+ outline_mode=(use == 'outline'))
+ if use == 'drill':
+ if side == 'plated':
+ stack.drill_pth = grb.to_excellon(plated=True)
+ elif side == 'nonplated':
+ stack.drill_npth = grb.to_excellon(plated=False)
+ else:
+ warnings.warn(f'Invalid drill layer type "{side}". Must be one of "plated" or "nonplated"')
+ else:
+ stack.graphic_layers[(side, use)] = grb
+ bounds = stack.board_bounds()
+ @functools.lru_cache()
+ def do_dilate(layer, amount):
+ return dilate_gerber(layer, bounds, amount, curve_tolerance)
+ for (side, use), layer in stack.graphic_layers.items():
+ # dilated subtract layers on top of overlay
+ if side in ('top', 'bottom'): # do not process subtraction scripts for inner layers
+ dilations = subtract_map.get(use, [])
+ for d_layer, amount in dilations:
+ d_layer = stack.graphic_layers[(side, d_layer)]
+ dilated = do_dilate(d_layer, amount)
+ layer.merge(dilated, mode='below', keep_settings=True)
+ if not separate_drill:
+ print('merging drill layers')
+ stack.merge_drill_layers()
+ naming_scheme = getattr(gn.layers.NamingScheme, naming_scheme)
+ if output_is_zip:
+ stack.save_to_zipfile(output_gerbers, naming_scheme=naming_scheme)
+ else:
+ stack.save_to_directory(output_gerbers, naming_scheme=naming_scheme)
# Subtraction script handling
@@ -212,36 +348,6 @@ def parse_bbox(bbox):
x, y, w, h = bounds
return ((x, x+w), (y, y+h))
-def bounds_from_outline(layers):
- ''' NOTE: When the user has not set explicit bounds, we automatically extract the design's bounding box from the
- input gerber files. If a folder is used as input, we use the outline gerber and barf if we can't find one. If only a
- single file is given, we simply use that file's bounding box
- We have to do things this way since gerber files do not have explicit bounds listed.
- Note that the bounding box extracted from the outline layer usually will be one outline layer stroke widht larger in
- all directions than the finished board.
- '''
- if 'outline' in layers:
- outline_files = layers['outline']
- _path, grb = outline_files[0]
- return calculate_apertureless_bounding_box(grb.cam_source)
- elif len(layers) == 1:
- first_layer, *rest = layers.values()
- first_file, *rest = first_layer
- _path, grb = first_file
- return grb.cam_source.bounding_box
- else:
- raise click.UsageError('Cannot find an outline file and no --bbox given.')
-def get_bounds(bbox, layers):
- bounds = parse_bbox(bbox)
- if bounds:
- return bounds
- return bounds_from_outline(layers)
# Utility foo
# ===========
@@ -339,53 +445,39 @@ def template_svg_for_png(bounds, png_data, extra_layers, current_layer):
return textwrap.dedent(template)
-# this is fixed, we cannot tell cairo-svg to use some other value. we just have to work around it.
-MM_PER_INCH = 25.4
+def empty_pcb_template(size, extra_layers, current_layer):
+ w, h, unit = size
+ extra_layers = "\n ".join(template_layer(name) for name in extra_layers)
+ current_layer = f'<sodipodi:namedview inkscape:current-layer="g-{current_layer.lower()}" />' if current_layer else ''
+ # we set up the viewport such that document dimensions = document units = [unit]
+ template = f'''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+ <svg version="1.1"
+ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ xmlns:inkscape="http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape"
+ xmlns:sodipodi="http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd"
+ width="{w}{unit}" height="{h}{unit}" viewBox="0 0 {w} {h}" >
+ <defs/>
+ {current_layer}
+ {extra_layers}
+ </svg>
+ '''
+ return textwrap.dedent(template)
-def svg_pt_to_mm(pt_len, dpi=CAIRO_SVG_HARDCODED_DPI):
- if pt_len.endswith('pt'):
- pt_len = pt_len[:-2]
+MM_PER_INCH = 25.4
- return f'{float(pt_len) / dpi * MM_PER_INCH}mm'
+def create_template_from_svg(svg, extra_layers, current_layer):
+ view, *layers = svg.children
+ view.attrs['inkscape__current_layer'] = f'g-{current_layer.lower()}'
-def create_template_from_svg(bounds, svg_data, extra_layers):
- svg = etree.fromstring(svg_data)
+ extra_layers = [ template_layer(name) for name in extra_layers ]
+ svg.children = [ view, *extra_layers, gn.utils.Tag('g', layers, inkscape__label='Preview', sodipodi__insensitive='true',
+ inkscape__groupmode='layer', style='opacity:0.5') ]
- # add inkscape namespaces
- SVG_NS = '{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}'
- INKSCAPE_NS = 'http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape'
- SODIPODI_NS = 'http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd'
- # glObAL stAtE YaY
- etree.register_namespace('inkscape', INKSCAPE_NS)
- etree.register_namespace('sodipodi', SODIPODI_NS)
- # convert document units to mm
- svg.set('width', svg_pt_to_mm(svg.get('width')))
- svg.set('height', svg_pt_to_mm(svg.get('height')))
- # add inkscape <namedview> elem to set currently selected layer
- namedview_elem = etree.SubElement(svg, SODIPODI_NS+'namedview')
- namedview_elem.set('id', "namedview23")
- namedview_elem.set(INKSCAPE_NS+'current-layer', f'g-{current_layer}')
- # make original group an inkscape layer
- orig_g = svg.find(SVG_NS+'g')
- orig_g.set('id', 'g-preview')
- orig_g.set(INKSCAPE_NS+'label', 'Preview')
- orig_g.set(SODIPODI_NS+'insensitive', 'true') # lock group
- orig_g.set('style', 'opacity:0.5')
- # add layers
- for layer in extra_layers:
- new_g = etree.SubElement(svg, SVG_NS+'g')
- new_g.set('id', f'g-{layer.lower()}')
- new_g.set(INKSCAPE_NS+'label', layer)
- new_g.set(INKSCAPE_NS+'groupmode', 'layer')
- return etree.tostring(svg)
+ return str(svg)
# SVG/gerber import
@@ -394,7 +486,6 @@ def dilate_gerber(layer, bounds, dilation, curve_tolerance):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') as temp_svg:
Path(temp_svg.name).write_text(str(layer.instance.to_svg(force_bounds=bounds, fg='white')))
- (bb_min_x, bb_min_y), (bb_max_x, bb_max_y) = bounds
# dilate & render back to gerber
# NOTE: Maybe reconsider or nicely document dilation semantics ; It is weird that negative dilations affect
# clear color and positive affects dark colors
@@ -418,7 +509,6 @@ def svg_to_gerber(infile, outline_mode=False, **kwargs):
args += [str(infile), str(temp_gbr.name)]
if 'SVG_FLATTEN' in os.environ:
- print('svg-flatten args:', args)
subprocess.run([os.environ['SVG_FLATTEN'], *args], check=True)
print('used svg-flatten at $SVG_FLATTEN')
@@ -427,6 +517,7 @@ def svg_to_gerber(infile, outline_mode=False, **kwargs):
for candidate in [
# somewhere in $PATH
+ None, # direct WASI import
# in user-local pip installation
@@ -441,17 +532,33 @@ def svg_to_gerber(infile, outline_mode=False, **kwargs):
str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'svg-flatten' / 'build' / 'svg-flatten') ]:
- subprocess.run([candidate, *args], check=True)
- print('used svg-flatten at', candidate)
+ if candidate is None:
+ import svg_flatten_wasi
+ svg_flatten_wasi.run_svg_flatten.callback(args[-2], args[-1], args[:-2], no_usvg=False)
+ print('used svg_flatten_wasi python package')
+ else:
+ subprocess.run([candidate, *args], check=True)
+ print('used svg-flatten at', candidate)
- except FileNotFoundError:
+ except (FileNotFoundError, ModuleNotFoundError):
raise SystemError('svg-flatten executable not found')
return gn.rs274x.GerberFile.open(temp_gbr.name)
+def get_layers_from_svg(svg_data):
+ svg = etree.fromstring(svg_data.encode('utf-8'))
+ SVG_NS = '{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}'
+ INKSCAPE_NS = '{http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape}'
+ # find groups
+ for group in svg.findall(SVG_NS+'g'):
+ yield group.get('id'), group.get(INKSCAPE_NS+'label')
if __name__ == '__main__':