path: root/generate_protoboards.py
diff options
authorjaseg <git@jaseg.de>2022-06-26 17:38:55 +0200
committerjaseg <git@jaseg.de>2022-06-26 17:38:55 +0200
commit68ce1505f1e877ffef93993bfd97c12d597341f6 (patch)
tree65fdc6956e211690d1f79dff5bd985c310427c2e /generate_protoboards.py
parent25ebdbe625b69454edfc6d505d692e44f3848fcc (diff)
protoboards: WIP
Diffstat (limited to 'generate_protoboards.py')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/generate_protoboards.py b/generate_protoboards.py
index 31c208d..2183bca 100644
--- a/generate_protoboards.py
+++ b/generate_protoboards.py
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
import itertools
import pathlib
+import textwrap
import click
-from gerbolyze.protoboard import ProtoBoard
+from gerbolyze.protoboard import ProtoBoard, EmptyProtoArea, THTProtoAreaCircles, SMDProtoAreaRectangles
common_defs = '''
empty = Empty(copper=False);
@@ -28,15 +29,15 @@ smd500r = SMDPads(2.0, 0.5);
def tht_normal_pitch100mil(size, mounting_holes=None):
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, 'tht', mounting_holes, border=2).generate(*size)
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, 'tht', mounting_holes, border=2)
def tht_pitch_50mil(size, mounting_holes=None):
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, 'tht50', mounting_holes, border=2).generate(*size)
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, 'tht50', mounting_holes, border=2)
def tht_mixed_pitch(size, mounting_holes=None):
w, h = size
f = max(1.27*5, min(30, h*0.3))
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'tht50@{f}mm / tht', mounting_holes, border=2, tight_layout=True).generate(*size)
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'tht50@{f}mm / tht', mounting_holes, border=2, tight_layout=True)
smd_basic = {
'smd100': 'smd_soic_100mil',
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ sizes_small = list(itertools.combinations(lengths_small, 2))
lengths_medium = lengths_large
sizes_medium = list(itertools.combinations(lengths_medium, 2))
-def generate(outdir, fun, sizes=sizes_large, name=None):
+def generate(outdir, fun, sizes=sizes_large, name=None, generate_svg=True):
name = name or fun.__name__
outdir = outdir / f'{name}'
plain_dir = outdir / 'no_mounting_holes'
@@ -63,7 +64,10 @@ def generate(outdir, fun, sizes=sizes_large, name=None):
for w, h in sizes:
outfile = plain_dir / f'{name}_{w}x{h}.svg'
- outfile.write_text(fun((w, h)))
+ board = fun((w, h))
+ yield outfile, (float(w), float(h), None, board.symmetric_sides, board.used_patterns)
+ if generate_svg:
+ outfile.write_text(board.generate(w, h))
for dia in (2, 2.5, 3, 4):
hole_dir = outdir / f'mounting_holes_M{dia:.1f}'
@@ -74,42 +78,280 @@ def generate(outdir, fun, sizes=sizes_large, name=None):
outfile = hole_dir / f'{name}_{w}x{h}_holes_M{dia:.1f}.svg'
- outfile.write_text(fun((w, h), (dia, dia+2)))
+ board = fun((w, h), (dia, dia+2))
+ yield outfile, (float(w), float(h), float(dia), board.symmetric_sides, board.used_patterns)
+ if generate_svg:
+ outfile.write_text(board.generate(w, h))
except ValueError: # mounting hole keepout too large for small board, ignore.
+def write_index(index, outdir):
+ tht_pitches = lambda patterns: [ p.pitch for p in patterns if isinstance(p, THTProtoAreaCircles) ]
+ smd_pitches = lambda patterns: [ min(p.pitch_x, p.pitch_y) for p in patterns if isinstance(p, SMDProtoAreaRectangles) ]
+ has_ground_plane = lambda patterns: any(isinstance(p, EmptyProtoArea) and p.copper for p in patterns)
+ format_pitches = lambda pitches: ', '.join(f'{p:.2f} mm' for p in sorted(pitches))
+ format_length = lambda length_or_none, default='': default if length_or_none is None else f'{length_or_none:.2f} mm'
+ table_rows = [
+ ('<tr>'
+ f'<td><a href="gerber/{path.relative_to(outdir / "svg").with_suffix(".zip")}" download>Gerbers</a></td>'
+ f'<td><a href="png/{path.relative_to(outdir / "svg").with_suffix(".png")}">Preview</a></td>'
+ f'<td><a href="{path.relative_to(outdir)}" download>SVG</a></td>'
+ f'<td>{w:.2f} mm</td>'
+ f'<td>{h:.2f} mm</td>'
+ f'<td>{"Yes" if hole_dia is not None else "No"}</td>'
+ f'<td>{format_length(hole_dia)}</td>'
+ f'<td>{len(patterns)}</td>'
+ f'<td>{"Yes" if symmetric else "No"}</td>'
+ f'<td>{"Yes" if has_ground_plane(patterns) else "No"}</td>'
+ f'<td>{format_pitches(tht_pitches(patterns))}</td>'
+ f'<td>{format_pitches(smd_pitches(patterns))}</td>'
+ '</tr>')
+ for path, (w, h, hole_dia, symmetric, patterns) in index.items()
+ ]
+ table_content = '\n'.join(table_rows)
+ length_sort = lambda length: float(length.partition(' ')[0])
+ filter_cols = {
+ 'Width': sorted(set(w for w, h, *rest in index.values())),
+ 'Height': sorted(set(h for w, h, *rest in index.values())),
+ 'Mounting Hole Diameter': sorted(set(dia for w, h, dia, *rest in index.values() if dia)) + ['None'],
+ 'Number of Areas': sorted(set(len(patterns) for *_rest, patterns in index.values())),
+ 'Symmetric Top and Bottom?': ['Yes', 'No'],
+ 'Ground Plane?': ['Yes', 'No'],
+ 'THT Pitches': sorted(set(p for *_rest, patterns in index.values() for p in tht_pitches(patterns))) + ['None'],
+ 'SMD Pitches': sorted(set(p for *_rest, patterns in index.values() for p in smd_pitches(patterns))) + ['None'],
+ }
+ filter_headers = '\n'.join(f'<th>{key}</th>' for key in filter_cols)
+ key_id = lambda key: key.lower().replace("?", "").replace(" ", "_")
+ val_id = lambda value: str(value).replace(".", "_")
+ def format_value(value):
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ return value
+ elif isinstance(value, int):
+ return str(value)
+ elif isinstance(value, bool):
+ return value and 'Yes' or 'No'
+ else:
+ return format_length(value)
+ filter_cols = {
+ key: '\n'.join(f'<div class="filter-check"><input type="checkbox" id="check-{key_id(key)}-{val_id(value)}"><label for="check-{key_id(key)}-{val_id(value)}">{format_value(value)}</label></div>' for value in values)
+ for key, values in filter_cols.items() }
+ filter_cols = [f'<td id="filter-{key_id(key)}">{values}</td>' for key, values in filter_cols.items()]
+ filter_content = '\n'.join(filter_cols)
+ filter_js = textwrap.dedent('''
+ function get_filters(){
+ let filters = {};
+ table = document.querySelector('#filter');
+ for (let filter of table.querySelectorAll('td')) {
+ selected = [];
+ for (let checkbox of filter.querySelectorAll('input')) {
+ if (checkbox.checked) {
+ selected.push(checkbox.nextElementSibling.textContent);
+ }
+ }
+ filters[filter.id.replace(/^filter-/, '')] = selected;
+ }
+ return filters;
+ }
+ filter_indices = {
+ };
+ for (const [i, header] of document.querySelectorAll("#listing th").entries()) {
+ if (header.hasAttribute('data-filter-key')) {
+ filter_indices[header.attributes['data-filter-key'].value] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ function filter_row(filters, row) {
+ cols = row.querySelectorAll('td');
+ for (const [filter_id, values] of Object.entries(filters)) {
+ if (values.length == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const row_value = cols[filter_indices[filter_id]].textContent;
+ if (values.includes("None") && !row_value) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (values.includes(row_value)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ let timeout = undefined;
+ function apply_filters() {
+ if (timeout) {
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = undefined;
+ }
+ const filters = get_filters();
+ for (let row of document.querySelectorAll("#listing tbody tr")) {
+ if (filter_row(filters, row)) {
+ row.style.display = '';
+ } else {
+ row.style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function refresh_filters() {
+ if (timeout) {
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ }
+ timeout = setTimeout(apply_filters, 2000);
+ }
+ function reset_filters() {
+ for (let checkbox of document.querySelectorAll("#filter input")) {
+ checkbox.checked = false;
+ }
+ refresh_filters();
+ }
+ document.querySelector("#apply").onclick = apply_filters;
+ document.querySelector("#reset-filters").onclick = reset_filters;
+ for (let checkbox of document.querySelectorAll("#filter input")) {
+ checkbox.onchange = refresh_filters;
+ }
+ apply_filters();
+ '''.strip())
+ style = textwrap.dedent('''
+ :root {
+ --gray1: #d0d0d0;
+ --gray2: #eeeeee;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ }
+ table {
+ table-layout: fixed;
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ box-shadow: 0 0 3px gray;
+ }
+ td {
+ border: 1px solid var(--gray1);
+ padding: .1em .5em;
+ }
+ th {
+ border: 1px solid var(--gray1);
+ padding: .5em;
+ background: linear-gradient(0deg, #e0e0e0, #eeeeee);
+ }
+ #listing tr:hover {
+ background-color: #ffff80;
+ }
+ button {
+ margin: 2em 0.2em;
+ padding: .5em 1em;
+ }
+ '''.strip())
+ html = textwrap.dedent(f'''
+ <!DOCTYPE html>
+ <html>
+ <head><title>Protoboard Index</title></head>
+ <script src="tablesort.min.js"></script>
+ <script src="tablesort.number.min.js"></script>
+ <style>
+ {style}
+ </style>
+ <body>
+ <div id="filters-container">
+ <table id="filter">
+ <tr>
+ {filter_headers}
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ {filter_content}
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <button type="button" id="apply">Apply</button>
+ <button type="button" id="reset-filters">Reset filters</button>
+ </div>
+ <div id="listing-container">
+ <table id="listing">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th data-sort-method="none">Download</th>
+ <th data-sort-method="none">Preview</th>
+ <th data-sort-method="none">Source SVG</th>
+ <th data-filter-key="width">Width</th>
+ <th data-filter-key="height">Height</th>
+ <th>Has Mounting Holes?</th>
+ <th data-filter-key="mounting_hole_diameter">Mounting Hole Diameter</th>
+ <th data-filter-key="number_of_areas">Number of Areas</th>
+ <th data-filter-key="symmetric_top_and_bottom">Symmetric Top and Bottom?</th>
+ <th data-filter-key="ground_plane">Ground Plane?</th>
+ <th data-filter-key="tht_pitches">THT Pitches</th>
+ <th data-filter-key="smd_pitches">SMD Pitches</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ {table_content}
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ <script>
+ new Tablesort(document.getElementById('listing'));
+ {filter_js}
+ </script>
+ </body>
+ </html>
+ '''.strip())
+ (outdir / 'index.html').write_text(html)
@click.argument('outdir', type=click.Path(file_okay=False, dir_okay=True, path_type=pathlib.Path))
-def generate_all(outdir):
- generate(outdir / 'simple', tht_normal_pitch100mil)
- generate(outdir / 'simple', tht_pitch_50mil)
- generate(outdir / 'mixed', tht_mixed_pitch)
+def generate_all(outdir, generate_svg):
+ index = {}
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'simple', tht_normal_pitch100mil, generate_svg=generate_svg))
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'simple', tht_pitch_50mil, generate_svg=generate_svg))
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'mixed', tht_mixed_pitch, generate_svg=generate_svg))
for pattern, name in smd_basic.items():
def gen(size, mounting_holes=None):
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'{pattern} + ground', mounting_holes, border=1).generate(*size)
- generate(outdir / 'simple', gen, sizes_small, name=f'{name}_ground_plane')
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'{pattern} + ground', mounting_holes, border=1)
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'simple', gen, sizes_small, name=f'{name}_ground_plane', generate_svg=generate_svg))
def gen(size, mounting_holes=None):
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'{pattern} + empty', mounting_holes, border=1).generate(*size)
- generate(outdir / 'simple', gen, sizes_small, name=f'{name}_single_side')
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'{pattern} + empty', mounting_holes, border=1)
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'simple', gen, sizes_small, name=f'{name}_single_side', generate_svg=generate_svg))
def gen(size, mounting_holes=None):
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'{pattern} + {pattern}', mounting_holes, border=1).generate(*size)
- generate(outdir / 'simple', gen, sizes_small, name=f'{name}_double_side')
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'{pattern} + {pattern}', mounting_holes, border=1)
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'simple', gen, sizes_small, name=f'{name}_double_side', generate_svg=generate_svg))
def gen(size, mounting_holes=None):
w, h = size
f = max(1.27*5, min(30, h*0.3))
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'({pattern} + {pattern})@{f}mm / tht', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True).generate(*size)
- generate(outdir / 'mixed', gen, sizes_small, name=f'tht_and_{name}')
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'({pattern} + {pattern})@{f}mm / tht', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True)
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'mixed', gen, sizes_small, name=f'tht_and_{name}', generate_svg=generate_svg))
def gen(size, mounting_holes=None):
w, h = size
f = max(1.27*5, min(30, h*0.3))
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'({pattern} + {pattern}) / tht@{f}mm', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True).generate(*size)
- generate(outdir / 'mixed', gen, sizes_small, name=f'{name}_and_tht')
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'({pattern} + {pattern}) / tht@{f}mm', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True)
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'mixed', gen, sizes_small, name=f'{name}_and_tht', generate_svg=generate_svg))
*_, suffix = name.split('_')
if suffix not in ('100mil', '950um'):
@@ -117,8 +359,8 @@ def generate_all(outdir):
w, h = size
f = max(1.27*5, min(50, h*0.3))
f2 = max(1.27*5, min(30, w*0.2))
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'((smd100 + smd100) | (smd950 + smd950) | ({pattern}r + {pattern}r)@{f2}mm)@{f}mm / tht', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True).generate(*size)
- generate(outdir / 'mixed', gen, sizes_medium, name=f'tht_and_three_smd_100mil_950um_{suffix}')
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'((smd100 + smd100) | (smd950 + smd950) | ({pattern}r + {pattern}r)@{f2}mm)@{f}mm / tht', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True)
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'mixed', gen, sizes_medium, name=f'tht_and_three_smd_100mil_950um_{suffix}', generate_svg=generate_svg))
for (pattern1, name1), (pattern2, name2) in itertools.combinations(smd_basic.items(), 2):
*_, name1 = name1.split('_')
@@ -127,34 +369,36 @@ def generate_all(outdir):
def gen(size, mounting_holes=None):
w, h = size
f = max(1.27*5, min(30, h*0.3))
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'(({pattern1} + {pattern1}) | ({pattern2} + {pattern2}))@{f}mm / tht', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True).generate(*size)
- generate(outdir / 'mixed', gen, sizes_small, name=f'tht_and_two_smd_{name1}_{name2}')
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'(({pattern1} + {pattern1}) | ({pattern2} + {pattern2}))@{f}mm / tht', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True)
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'mixed', gen, sizes_small, name=f'tht_and_two_smd_{name1}_{name2}', generate_svg=generate_svg))
def gen(size, mounting_holes=None):
w, h = size
f = max(1.27*5, min(30, h*0.3))
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'({pattern1} + {pattern2})@{f}mm / tht', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True).generate(*size)
- generate(outdir / 'mixed', gen, sizes_small, name=f'tht_and_two_sided_smd_{name1}_{name2}')
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'({pattern1} + {pattern2})@{f}mm / tht', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True)
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'mixed', gen, sizes_small, name=f'tht_and_two_sided_smd_{name1}_{name2}', generate_svg=generate_svg))
def gen(size, mounting_holes=None):
w, h = size
f = max(1.27*5, min(30, h*0.3))
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'{pattern1} + {pattern2}', mounting_holes, border=1).generate(*size)
- generate(outdir / 'mixed', gen, sizes_small, name=f'two_sided_smd_{name1}_{name2}')
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'{pattern1} + {pattern2}', mounting_holes, border=1)
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'mixed', gen, sizes_small, name=f'two_sided_smd_{name1}_{name2}', generate_svg=generate_svg))
def gen(size, mounting_holes=None):
w, h = size
f = max(1.27*5, min(50, h*0.3))
f2 = max(1.27*5, min(30, w*0.2))
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'((smd100 + smd100) | (smd950 + smd950) | tht50@{f2}mm)@{f}mm / tht', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True).generate(*size)
- generate(outdir / 'mixed', gen, sizes_medium, name=f'tht_and_50mil_and_two_smd_100mil_950um_{suffix}')
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'((smd100 + smd100) | (smd950 + smd950) | tht50@{f2}mm)@{f}mm / tht', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True)
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'mixed', gen, sizes_medium, name=f'tht_and_50mil_and_two_smd_100mil_950um', generate_svg=generate_svg))
def gen(size, mounting_holes=None):
w, h = size
f = max(1.27*5, min(30, h*0.3))
f2 = max(1.27*5, min(25, w*0.1))
- return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'tht50@10mm | tht | ((smd100r + smd100r) / (smd950r + smd950r) / (smd800 + smd800)@{f2}mm / (smd650 + smd650)@{f2}mm / (smd500 + smd500)@{f2}mm)@{f}mm', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True).generate(*size)
- generate(outdir / 'mixed', gen, [ (w, h) for w, h in sizes_medium if w > 60 and h > 60 ], name=f'all_tht_and_smd')
+ return ProtoBoard(common_defs, f'tht50@10mm | tht | ((smd100r + smd100r) / (smd950r + smd950r) / (smd800 + smd800)@{f2}mm / (smd650 + smd650)@{f2}mm / (smd500 + smd500)@{f2}mm)@{f}mm', mounting_holes, border=1, tight_layout=True)
+ index.update(generate(outdir / 'svg' / 'mixed', gen, [ (w, h) for w, h in sizes_medium if w > 61 and h > 60 ], name=f'all_tht_and_smd', generate_svg=generate_svg))
+ write_index(index, outdir)
if __name__ == '__main__':