import re from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple Section = namedtuple('Section', ['name', 'offset', 'objects']) ObjectEntry = namedtuple('ObjectEntry', ['filename', 'object', 'offset', 'size']) FileEntry = namedtuple('FileEntry', ['section', 'object', 'offset', 'length']) class Memory: def __init__(self, name, origin, length, attrs=''):, self.origin, self.length, self.attrs = name, origin, length, attrs self.sections = {} self.files = defaultdict(lambda: []) self.totals = defaultdict(lambda: 0) def add_toplevel(self, name, offx, length): self.sections[name] = Section(offx, length, []) def add_obj(self, name, offx, length, fn, obj): base_section, sep, subsec = name[1:].partition('.') base_section = '.'+base_section if base_section in self.sections: sec = secname, secoffx, secobjs = self.sections[base_section] secobjs.append(ObjectEntry(fn, obj, offx, length)) else: sec = None self.files[fn].append(FileEntry(sec, obj, offx, length)) self.totals[fn] += length class MapFile: def __init__(self, s): self._lines = s.splitlines() self.memcfg = {} self.defaultmem = Memory('default', 0, 0xffffffffffffffff) self._parse() def __getitem__(self, offx_or_name): ''' Lookup a memory area by name or address ''' if offx_or_name in self.memcfg: return self.memcfg[offx_or_name] elif isinstance(offx_or_name, int): for mem in self.memcfg.values(): if mem.origin <= offx_or_name < mem.origin+mem.length: return mem else: return self.defaultmem raise ValueError('Invalid argument type for indexing') def _skip(self, regex): matcher = re.compile(regex) for l in self: if matcher.match(l): break def __iter__(self): while self._lines: yield self._lines.pop(0) def _parse(self): self._skip('^Memory Configuration') # Parse memory segmentation info self._skip('^Name') for l in self: if not l: break name, origin, length, *attrs = l.split() if not name.startswith('*'): self.memcfg[name] = Memory(name, int(origin, 16), int(length, 16), attrs[0] if attrs else '') # Parse section information toplevel_m = re.compile('^(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)') secondlevel_m = re.compile('^ (\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(.*)$') secondlevel_linebreak_m = re.compile('^ (\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\n') filelike = re.compile('^(/?[^()]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)(\(.*\))?') linebreak_section = None for l in self: # Toplevel section match = toplevel_m.match(l) if match: name, offx, length = match.groups() offx, length = int(offx, 16), int(length, 16) self[offx].add_toplevel(name, offx, length) match = secondlevel_linebreak_m.match(l) if match: linebreak_section, = match.groups() continue if linebreak_section: l = ' {} {}'.format(linebreak_section, l) linebreak_section = None # Second-level section match = secondlevel_m.match(l) if match: name, offx, length, misc = match.groups() match = filelike.match(misc) if match: fn, obj = match.groups() obj = obj.strip('()') if obj else None offx, length = int(offx, 16), int(length, 16) self[offx].add_obj(name, offx, length, fn, obj) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Parser GCC map file') parser.add_argument('mapfile', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='The GCC .map file to parse') parser.add_argument('-m', '--memory', type=str, help='The memory segments to print, comma-separated') args = parser.parse_args() mf = MapFile( args.mapfile.close() mems = args.memory.split(',') if args.memory else mf.memcfg.keys() for name in mems: mem = mf.memcfg[name] print('Symbols by file for memory', name) for tot, fn in reversed(sorted( (tot, fn) for fn, tot in mem.totals.items() )): print(' {:>8} {}'.format(tot, fn)) for length, offx, sec, obj in reversed(sorted(( (length, offx, sec, obj) for sec, obj, offx, length in mem.files[fn] ), key=lambda e: e[0] )): name = if sec else None print(' {:>8} {:>#08x} {}'.format(length, offx, obj)) #print('{:>16} 0x{:016x} 0x{:016x} ({:>24}) {}'.format(name, origin, length, length, attrs))