#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import math import textwrap import contextlib import numpy as np import scipy.signal as sig # From https://github.com/mubeta06/python/blob/master/signal_processing/sp/gold.py preferred_pairs = {5:[[2],[1,2,3]], 6:[[5],[1,4,5]], 7:[[4],[4,5,6]], 8:[[1,2,3,6,7],[1,2,7]], 9:[[5],[3,5,6]], 10:[[2,5,9],[3,4,6,8,9]], 11:[[9],[3,6,9]]} def gen_gold(seq1, seq2): gold = [seq1, seq2] for shift in range(len(seq1)): gold.append(seq1 ^ np.roll(seq2, -shift)) return gold def gold(n): n = int(n) if not n in preferred_pairs: raise KeyError('preferred pairs for %s bits unknown' % str(n)) t0, t1 = preferred_pairs[n] (seq0, _st0), (seq1, _st1) = sig.max_len_seq(n, taps=t0), sig.max_len_seq(n, taps=t1) return gen_gold(seq0, seq1) @contextlib.contextmanager def print_include_guards(macro_name): print(f'#ifndef {macro_name}') print(f'#define {macro_name}') yield print(f'#endif /* {macro_name} */') if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('n', type=int, choices=preferred_pairs, help='bit width of shift register. Generate 2**n + 1 sequences of length 2**n - 1.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--variable', default='gold_code_table', help='Name for weak alias of generated table') parser.add_argument('-h', '--header', action='store_true', help='Generate header file') parser.add_argument('-c', '--source', action='store_true', help='Generate table source file') args = parser.parse_args() if not args.header != args.source: print('Exactly one of --header and --source must be given.', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) nbytes = math.ceil((2**args.n-1)/8) if args.source: print('/* THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT! */') print('#include ') print('#include ') print() print(f'/* {args.n} bit gold sequences: {2**args.n+1} sequences of length {2**args.n-1} bit.') print(f' *') print(f' * Each code is packed left-aligned into {nbytes} bytes in big-endian byte order.') print(f' */') print(f'const uint8_t {args.variable}[{2**args.n+1}][{nbytes}] = {{') for i, code in enumerate(gold(args.n)): par = '{' + ' '.join(f'0x{d:02x},' for d in np.packbits(code)) + f'}}, /* {i: 3d} "{"".join(str(x) for x in code)}" */' print(textwrap.fill(par, initial_indent=' '*4, subsequent_indent=' '*4, width=120)) print('};') print() else: print('/* THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT! */') with print_include_guards(f'__GOLD_CODE_GENERATED_HEADER_{args.n}__'): print(f'extern const uint8_t {args.variable}[{2**args.n+1}][{nbytes}];')