#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import random import socket import struct import time import numpy import bz2 import os import functools import contextlib import math from PIL import Image from pixelterm import pixelterm HOST, PORT = "",2342 CMD_LED_DRAW = 18 def resize_image(img, size): tw, th = size w, h = img.size a, b = w/tw, h/th f = 1/max(a, b) pos = int((tw-w*f)/2), int((th-h*f)/2) buf = Image.new('RGBA', (tw, th)) buf.paste(img.resize((int(w*f), int(h*f))).convert('RGBA'), pos) buf2 = Image.new('RGBA', (tw, th), (0, 0, 0, 255)) return Image.alpha_composite(buf2, buf) class Display: def __init__(self): self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.size = 56*8, 8*20 def sendframe(self, frame): pl = struct.pack('!HHHHH', CMD_LED_DRAW, 0, 0, 0x627a, 0) + bz2.compress(frame) self.sock.sendto(pl, (HOST, PORT)) # for i in range(100): # time.sleep(0.0001) self.sock.sendto(pl, (HOST, PORT)) @staticmethod def do_gamma(im, gamma): """Fast gamma correction with PIL's image.point() method""" invert_gamma = 1.0/gamma lut = [pow(x/255., invert_gamma) * 255 for x in range(256)] lut = lut*4 # need one set of data for each band for RGBA im = im.point(lut) return im @staticmethod def encode_image(img, displaysize): return numpy.frombuffer(Display.do_gamma(resize_image(img, displaysize), 0.5).convert('1').tobytes(), dtype='1b') def weightedChoice(choices, default=None): acc = 0 r = random.random() for weight, choice in choices: if r < (acc + weight): return choice acc += weight return default class Agent: def __init__(self, path: 'pathlib.Path'): self.config = json.loads((path / 'agent.json').read_text()) for ani in self.config['animations'].values(): for f in ani['frames']: branching, exitBranch = f.get('branching'), f.get('exitBranch') if 'exitBranch' in f: f['next'] = lambda f, idx: f['exitBranch'] elif 'branching' in f: f['next'] = lambda f, idx: weightedChoice( [ (b['weight']/100, b['frameIndex']) for b in f['branching']['branches'] ] , default=idx+1) else: f['next'] = lambda f, idx: idx+1 self.picmap = Image.open(path / 'map.png') self.path = path def __call__(self, action): for frame in self._animate(action): # print('frame:', frame) if 'images_encoded' in frame: # some frames contain branch info and sound, but no images yield frame['images_encoded'] time.sleep(frame['duration']/1000) def precalculate_images(self, dsp, termsize): print('\033[93mPrecalculating images\033[0m') total = sum(1 for ani in self.config['animations'].values() for f in ani['frames'] if 'images' in f) i = 0 for ani in self.config['animations'].values(): for f in ani['frames']: if 'images' in f: print(('(\033[38;5;245m{: '+str(1+int(math.log10(total)))+'}/{}\033[0m) ').format(i, total), end='') i += 1 f['images_encoded'] = self._precalculate_one_image(tuple(f['images'][0]), dsp, termsize) print() print('\033[93mdone.\033[0m') self._precalculate_one_image.cache_clear() @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _precalculate_one_image(self, coords, dsp, termsize): img = self._get_image(*coords) return ( dsp.encode_image(img, dsp.size) if dsp else None, pixelterm.termify_pixels(resize_image(img, termsize)) if termsize else None ) def _animate(self, action): anim, idx = self.config['animations'][action]['frames'], 0 while idx < len(anim): yield anim[idx] idx = anim[idx]['next'](anim[idx], idx) def _get_image(self, x, y): print('\033[38;5;96mcropbox:\033[0m {:04} {:04} {:04} {:04} \033[38;5;96mmap:\033[0m {:04} {:04}'.format( x, y, *self.config['framesize'], *self.picmap.size), end='') tw, th = self.config['framesize'] return self.picmap.crop((x, y, x+tw, y+th)) @property def animations(self): return list(self.config['animations'].keys()) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse, pathlib, sys parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-a', '--agent', default='Clippy') parser.add_argument('-e', '--endless', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-d', '--display', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-t', '--terminal', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-x', '--termsize', type=str) parser.add_argument('-s', '--socket', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bind', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('action', default='Greeting', nargs='?') args = parser.parse_args() agent_path = pathlib.Path('agents') / args.agent if not agent_path.is_dir(): print('Agent not found. Exiting.') sys.exit(1) if args.list: print('\n'.join(Agent(agent_path).animations)) sys.exit(0) dsp = Display() if args.display else None agent = Agent(agent_path) if args.socket: tx, ty = (args.termsize or '60x30').split('x') tx, ty = int(tx), int(ty) elif args.terminal: tx, ty = args.termsize.split('x') or os.get_terminal_size() tx, ty = int(tx), int(ty) termsize = (tx, ty*2) if args.terminal or args.socket else None agent.precalculate_images(dsp, termsize) if args.socket: import socketserver class ThreadedTCPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer): pass class ClippyRequestHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): with contextlib.suppress(BrokenPipeError): while True: action = random.choice(agent.animations) print('[\033[38;5;245m{}\033[0m] Playing: {}'.format(self.client_address[0], action)) for _img_dsp, img_term in agent(action): self.request.sendall(b'\033[H'+img_term.encode()) host, port = args.bind.split(':') port = int(port) server = ThreadedTCPServer((host, port), ClippyRequestHandler) server.serve_forever() elif args.endless: while True: if random.random() > 0.2: action = random.choice(agent.animations) print('Playing:', action) for img_dsp, img_term in agent(action): if args.terminal: print('\033[H'+img_term) if args.display: dsp.sendframe(img_dsp) time.sleep(1) else: for img_dsp, img_term in agent(args.action): if args.terminal: print(pixelterm.termify_pixels( resize_image(img, termsize))) if args.display: dsp.sendframe(img_dsp)