#!/usr/bin/env python3 import tempfile import subprocess from pathlib import Path if __name__ == '__main__': with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: current_branch = subprocess.run(['git', 'symbolic-ref', '-q', 'HEAD'], check=False, capture_output=True).stdout.strip() if current_branch == 'refs/heads/deploy': raise SystemError('This script cannot be run from the deploy branch (run from main instead)') subprocess.run(['git', 'worktree', 'add', '--detach', tmpdir], check=True) try: subprocess.run(['hugo'], cwd=tmpdir, check=True) write_tree = subprocess.run(['git', 'write-tree', '--prefix=public/'], check=True, capture_output=True) tree = write_tree.stdout.strip() commit = subprocess.run(['git', 'commit-tree', '-p', 'HEAD', '-p', 'refs/heads/deploy', '-m', 'deploy.py auto-commit', tree], check=True, capture_output=True).stdout.strip() subprocess.run(['git', 'update-ref', '-m', f'deploy.sh update deploy branch to {commit}', 'refs/heads/deploy', commit], check=True) finally: subprocess.run(['git', 'worktree', 'remove', '-f', tmpdir], check=True)