title: "About jaseg"


Hej, I'm Jan, or jaseg. At the moment I'm doing a PhD (Dr.-Ing.) at TU Darmstadt in Computer Science, specializing on
Hardware Security. This is my personal website where I publish things that I find interesting.

I self-host my code at `git.jaseg.de <https://git.jaseg.de/>`__, but I am also on `github <https://github.com/jaseg>`__
and on `gitlab <https://gitlab.com/neinseg>`__. I use github for issue tracking for some of my projects such as
`gerbolyze <https://github.com/jaseg/gerbolyze>`__ and `python-mpv <https://github.com/jaseg/python-mpv>`__. I maintain
the `python-mpv <https://pypi.org/project/python-mpv/>`__ and `gerbolyze <https://pypi.org/project/gerbolyze/>`__ python
packages on PyPI. Release tags on these two repositories are signed with the release signing key found `on github
<https://github.com/jaseg.gpg>`__ and below.

I am not on any social network, but feel free to write me an email at `hello@jaseg.de
<mailto:hello@jaseg.de?subject=About\ page\ on\ blog.jaseg.de>`__.

I do not use application-level email encryption such as S/MIME or PGP. If you need a higher level of secrecy than
regular old email provides, please ask around for my signal contact or email me a file encrypted using `age
<https://github.com/FiloSottile/age>`__ with one of the SSH keys listed `on my github
<https://github.com/jaseg.keys>`__.  You can find both PGP and other SSH keys that I have used in the past on the
internet, but please consider these keys revoked, and do not use them to encrypt anything you send me.

Python package release signing key

I use this GPG key (key ID ``ED7A208EEEC76F2D``) to sign git release tags of both `gerbolyze <https://github.com/jaseg/gerbolyze>`__ and `python-mpv
.. code::


About this site

This site is made with the hugo static site generator. I made the theme myself, feel free to grab a copy at
`git.jaseg.de <https://git.jaseg.de/blog.git/tree/themes/conspiracy?h=main>`__. The nifty auto-reflowing code embeds are
made with some CSS magic I made that you can find in `style.css
The body text is typeset in Roboto Slab, created by `Christian Robertson <https://christianrobertson.com/>`__ while
working at Google. The headlines are set in Nyght Serif, a font by `Maksym Kobuzan <https://linktr.ee/mkobuzan>`__.
Check out their other fonts, their work is beautiful! Source code is typeset in Fira Code, a derivate by ... from
Mozilla's `Fira Mono <https://github.com/mozilla/Fira>`__ font, designed by `Erik Spiekermann
<https://spiekermann.com/>`__, `Ralph du Carrois <https://carrois.com/>`__, `Anja Meiners
<https://anjameiners.com/de/hallo/>`__ and Botio Nikoltchev of Carrois Type Design, now succeeded by `bBoxType
<https://bboxtype.com/typefaces/FiraMono/#!layout=specimen>`__ , and Patryk Adamczyk of Mozilla. The photo of mountains
that's used in the background of this site is by `Fabrizio Conti <https://www.conti.photos/>`__ and can be found on
`Unsplash <https://unsplash.com/photos/TUmjK7ZJgbI>`__.