path: root/driver_fw/tools
diff options
authorjaseg <git@jaseg.de>2023-08-27 22:31:09 +0200
committerjaseg <git@jaseg.de>2023-08-27 22:31:09 +0200
commitec28fcd9f905358759eea98161f451567135d17e (patch)
treeed8f0f4f96811433ddca5f294f731c7584549a36 /driver_fw/tools
parent7c2cb09fad601facbb142d9378033d64d19b6488 (diff)
new driver blinkenlights
Diffstat (limited to 'driver_fw/tools')
-rw-r--r--driver_fw/tools/__pycache__/usb_test.cpython-311.pycbin0 -> 12462 bytes
15 files changed, 1484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/__pycache__/usb_test.cpython-311.pyc b/driver_fw/tools/__pycache__/usb_test.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c3b7b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/__pycache__/usb_test.cpython-311.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/decode_logic_analzyer.py b/driver_fw/tools/decode_logic_analzyer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be1d4da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/decode_logic_analzyer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import binascii
+from statistics import mean
+from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
+import struct
+from pprint import pprint
+from cobs import cobs
+time = [*sys.argv, '1s'][1]
+proc = subprocess.run(f'sigrok-cli --driver dreamsourcelab-dslogic --config samplerate=10M --channels 0,1 --protocol-decoders uart:baudrate=250000:rx=1 --protocol-decoder-annotations uart=rx-data,uart=tx-data --time {time}'.split(), check=True, capture_output=True, text=True)
+data = [line.partition(':')[2] for line in proc.stdout.splitlines()]
+data = bytes([int(x, 16) for x in data if x])
+class Serialized:
+ @classmethod
+ def deserialize(kls, data):
+ fields = struct.unpack(kls._struct_format(), data)
+ mapped = [cast(val) for cast, val in zip(kls._struct_casts(), fields)]
+ return kls(*mapped)
+ @classmethod
+ def _struct_format(kls):
+ return kls._parse_fields()[0]
+ @classmethod
+ def _struct_casts(kls):
+ return kls._parse_fields()[1]
+ @classmethod
+ def _parse_fields(kls):
+ fmt = '<'
+ casts = []
+ for field in fields(kls):
+ if isinstance(field.type, tuple):
+ struct_type, cast = field.type
+ else:
+ struct_type, cast = field.type, int
+ fmt += struct_type
+ casts.append(cast)
+ return fmt, casts
+class Header(Serialized):
+ crc: 'I'
+ src: 'B'
+ dst: 'B'
+ pid: 'B'
+ packet_type: 'B'
+class ADCPacket(Serialized):
+ timestamp: 'Q'
+ sampling_interval: 'I'
+ total_samples: 'I'
+ sample_count: 'I'
+ samples: ('96s', bytes)
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ data = self.samples
+ foo = lambda x: x if x < 0x800000 else x-0x1000000
+ self.samples = [[
+ foo(struct.unpack('<I', data[3*(2*sample + channel):][:3] + b'\0')[0])
+ for sample in range(16)
+ ] for channel in range(2)]
+norm_a, norm_b = 0, 0
+for packet in data.split(b'\0'):
+ try:
+ packet = cobs.decode(packet)
+ hdr = Header.deserialize(packet[:8])
+ if hdr.packet_type == 2:
+ packet = ADCPacket.deserialize(packet[8:])
+ diff_a = max([abs(x - norm_a) for x in packet.samples[0][:packet.sample_count]])
+ diff_b = max([abs(x - norm_b) for x in packet.samples[1][:packet.sample_count]])
+ if diff_a > 10000 or diff_b > 10000:
+ pprint(packet)
+ norm_a = mean(packet.samples[0][:packet.sample_count])
+ norm_b = mean(packet.samples[1][:packet.sample_count])
+ elif any(x != 0 for x in packet.samples[0][packet.sample_count:] + packet.samples[1][packet.sample_count:]):
+ pprint('nonzero', packet)
+ except (cobs.DecodeError, struct.error):
+ print('Decoding error')
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/extract_pinmap.py b/driver_fw/tools/extract_pinmap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2c52e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/extract_pinmap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import click
+def cli():
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ cli()
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/gen_isr_header.py b/driver_fw/tools/gen_isr_header.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c965fc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/gen_isr_header.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import subprocess
+import os
+import re
+import datetime
+from pathlib import Path
+def cpp_preprocess(input_path, cpp='cpp'):
+ return subprocess.check_output([cpp, '-P', input_path]).decode()
+def gen_isr_header(f, cpp='cpp'):
+ stripped_code = cpp_preprocess(args.input, args.use_cpp)
+ armed = False
+ for line in stripped_code.splitlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if armed:
+ if not line.startswith('.word'):
+ break
+ word, value = line.split()
+ assert word == '.word'
+ if value == '0':
+ yield None
+ else:
+ yield value
+ else:
+ if line.startswith('g_pfnVectors:'):
+ armed = True
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot find interrupt vector definition!')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--use-cpp', type=str, default=os.getenv('CPP', 'cpp'), help='cpp (C preprocessor) executable to use')
+ parser.add_argument('-g', '--generate-include-guards', action='store_true', help='Whether to generate include guards')
+ parser.add_argument('input', help='Input stm32****_startup.s file')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ print(f'/* Generated {datetime.datetime.utcnow()} from {args.input} by {Path(__file__).name} */')
+ if args.generate_include_guards:
+ include_guard_id = '__ISR_HEADER_' + re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '_', args.input.split('/')[-1]) + '__'
+ print(f'#ifndef {include_guard_id}')
+ print(f'#define {include_guard_id}')
+ print()
+ for i, handler_name in enumerate(gen_isr_header(args.input, args.use_cpp)):
+ if handler_name is None:
+ print(f'/* IRQ {i} is undefined for this part. */')
+ else:
+ print(f'void {handler_name}(void); {" " * (30-len(handler_name))} /* {i:> 3} */')
+ print()
+ print(f'#define NUM_IRQs {i+1}')
+ print('extern uint32_t g_pfnVectors[NUM_IRQs];')
+ print('#define isr_vector g_pfnVectors')
+ print()
+ if args.generate_include_guards:
+ print(f'#endif /* {include_guard_id} */')
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/ldparser.py b/driver_fw/tools/ldparser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c620fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/ldparser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import sys
+import pyparsing as pp
+from pyparsing import pyparsing_common as ppc
+parse_suffix_int = lambda lit: int(lit[:-1]) * (10**(3*(1 + 'kmgtpe'.find(lit[-1].lower()))))
+si_suffix = pp.oneOf('k m g t p e', caseless=True)
+numeric_literal = pp.Regex('0x[0-9a-fA-F]+').setName('hex int').setParseAction(pp.tokenMap(int, 16)) \
+ | (pp.Regex('[0-9]+[kKmMgGtTpPeE]')).setName('size int').setParseAction(pp.tokenMap(parse_suffix_int)) \
+ | pp.Word(pp.nums).setName('int').setParseAction(pp.tokenMap(int))
+access_def = pp.Regex('[rR]?[wW]?[xX]?').setName('access literal').setParseAction(pp.tokenMap(str.lower))
+origin_expr = pp.Suppress(pp.CaselessKeyword('ORIGIN')) + EQUALS + numeric_literal
+length_expr = pp.Suppress(pp.CaselessKeyword('LENGTH')) + EQUALS + numeric_literal
+mem_expr = pp.Group(ppc.identifier + LPAREN + access_def + RPAREN + COLON + origin_expr + COMMA + length_expr)
+mem_contents = pp.ZeroOrMore(mem_expr)
+mem_toplevel = pp.CaselessKeyword("MEMORY") + pp.Group(LBRACE + pp.Optional(mem_contents, []) + RBRACE)
+glob = pp.Word(pp.alphanums + '._*')
+match_expr = pp.Forward()
+assignment = pp.Forward()
+funccall = pp.Group(pp.Word(pp.alphas + '_') + LPAREN + (assignment | numeric_literal | match_expr | glob | ppc.identifier) + RPAREN + pp.Optional(SEMICOLON))
+value = numeric_literal | funccall | ppc.identifier | '.'
+formula = (value + pp.oneOf('+ = * / %') + value) | value
+# suppress stray semicolons
+assignment << (SEMICOLON | pp.Group((ppc.identifier | '.') + EQUALS + (formula | value) + pp.Optional(SEMICOLON)))
+match_expr << (glob + LPAREN + pp.OneOrMore(funccall | glob) + RPAREN)
+section_contents = pp.ZeroOrMore(assignment | funccall | match_expr);
+section_name = pp.Regex('\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+')
+section_def = pp.Group(section_name + pp.Optional(numeric_literal) + COLON + LBRACE + pp.Group(section_contents) +
+ RBRACE + pp.Optional(RBROK + ppc.identifier + pp.Optional('AT' + RBROK + ppc.identifier)))
+sec_contents = pp.ZeroOrMore(section_def | assignment)
+sections_toplevel = pp.Group(pp.CaselessKeyword("SECTIONS").suppress() + LBRACE + sec_contents + RBRACE)
+toplevel_elements = mem_toplevel | funccall | sections_toplevel | assignment
+ldscript = pp.Group(pp.ZeroOrMore(toplevel_elements))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('linker_script', type=argparse.FileType('r'))
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ #print(mem_expr.parseString('FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x0800000, LENGTH = 512K', parseAll=True))
+ # print(ldscript.parseString('''
+ # /* Entry Point */
+ # ENTRY(Reset_Handler)
+ #
+ # /* Highest address of the user mode stack */
+ # _estack = 0x20020000; /* end of RAM */
+ # /* Generate a link error if heap and stack don't fit into RAM */
+ # _Min_Heap_Size = 0x200;; /* required amount of heap */
+ # _Min_Stack_Size = 0x400;; /* required amount of stack */
+ # ''', parseAll=True))
+ print(ldscript.parseFile(args.linker_script, parseAll=True))
+ #print(funccall.parseString('KEEP(*(.isr_vector))'))
+ #print(section_contents.parseString('''
+ # . = ALIGN(4);
+ # KEEP(*(.isr_vector)) /* Startup code */
+ # . = ALIGN(4);
+ # ''', parseAll=True))
+ #print(section_def.parseString('''
+ # .text :
+ # {
+ # . = ALIGN(4);
+ # *(.text) /* .text sections (code) */
+ # *(.text*) /* .text* sections (code) */
+ # *(.glue_7) /* glue arm to thumb code */
+ # *(.glue_7t) /* glue thumb to arm code */
+ # *(.eh_frame)
+ #
+ # KEEP (*(.init))
+ # KEEP (*(.fini))
+ #
+ # . = ALIGN(4);
+ # _etext = .; /* define a global symbols at end of code */
+ # } >FLASH
+ # ''', parseAll=True))
+ #print(section_def.parseString('.ARM.extab : { *(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*) } >FLASH', parseAll=True))
+ #print(assignment.parseString('__preinit_array_start = .', parseAll=True))
+ #print(assignment.parseString('a = 23', parseAll=True))
+ #print(funccall.parseString('foo (a=23)', parseAll=True))
+ #print(funccall.parseString('PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start = .);', parseAll=True))
+ #print(section_def.parseString('''
+ # .preinit_array :
+ # {
+ # PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start = .);
+ # KEEP (*(.preinit_array*))
+ # PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_end = .);
+ # } >FLASH''', parseAll=True))
+ #print(match_expr.parseString('*(SORT(.init_array.*))', parseAll=True))
+ #print(funccall.parseString('KEEP (*(SORT(.init_array.*)))', parseAll=True))
+ #print(section_def.parseString('''
+ # .init_array :
+ # {
+ # PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);
+ # KEEP (*(SORT(.init_array.*)))
+ # KEEP (*(.init_array*))
+ # PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);
+ # } >FLASH
+ # ''', parseAll=True))
+ #print(match_expr.parseString('*(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*)', parseAll=True))
+ #print(formula.parseString('. + _Min_Heap_Size', parseAll=True))
+ #print(assignment.parseString('. = . + _Min_Heap_Size;', parseAll=True))
+ #print(sections_toplevel.parseString('''
+ # {
+ # .ARMattributes : { }
+ # }
+ # ''', parseAll=True))
+ #sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/linkmem.py b/driver_fw/tools/linkmem.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..934a571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/linkmem.py
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+import tempfile
+import os
+from os import path
+import sys
+import re
+import subprocess
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from collections import defaultdict
+import colorsys
+import cxxfilt
+from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
+from elftools.elf.enums import ENUM_ST_SHNDX
+from elftools.elf.descriptions import describe_symbol_type, describe_sh_type
+import libarchive
+import matplotlib.cm
+def chdir(newdir):
+ old_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ try:
+ os.chdir(newdir)
+ yield
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(old_cwd)
+def keep_last(it, first=None):
+ last = first
+ for elem in it:
+ yield last, elem
+ last = elem
+def delim(start, end, it, first_only=True):
+ found = False
+ for elem in it:
+ if end(elem):
+ if first_only:
+ return
+ found = False
+ elif start(elem):
+ found = True
+ elif found:
+ yield elem
+def delim_prefix(start, end, it):
+ yield from delim(lambda l: l.startswith(start), lambda l: end is not None and l.startswith(end), it)
+def trace_source_files(linker, cmdline, trace_sections=[], total_sections=['.text', '.data', '.rodata']):
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ out_path = path.join(tempdir, 'output.elf')
+ output = subprocess.check_output([linker, '-o', out_path, f'-Wl,--print-map', *cmdline])
+ lines = [ line.strip() for line in output.decode().splitlines() ]
+ # FIXME also find isr vector table references
+ defs = {}
+ objs = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+ aliases = {}
+ sec_name = None
+ last_loc = None
+ last_sym = None
+ line_cont = None
+ for last_line, line in keep_last(delim_prefix('Linker script and memory map', 'OUTPUT', lines), first=''):
+ if not line or line.startswith('LOAD '):
+ sec_name = None
+ continue
+ # first part of continuation line
+ if m := re.match('^(\.[0-9a-zA-Z-_.]+)$', line):
+ line_cont = line
+ sec_name = None
+ continue
+ if line_cont:
+ line = line_cont + ' ' + line
+ line_cont = None
+ # -ffunction-sections/-fdata-sections section
+ if m := re.match('^(\.[0-9a-zA-Z-_.]+)\.([0-9a-zA-Z-_.]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-f]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-f]+)\s+(\S+)$', line):
+ sec, sym, loc, size, obj = m.groups()
+ *_, sym = sym.rpartition('.')
+ sym = cxxfilt.demangle(sym)
+ size = int(size, 16)
+ obj = path.abspath(obj)
+ if sec not in total_sections:
+ size = 0
+ objs[obj] += size
+ defs[sym] = (sec, size, obj)
+ sec_name, last_loc, last_sym = sec, loc, sym
+ continue
+ # regular (no -ffunction-sections/-fdata-sections) section
+ if m := re.match('^(\.[0-9a-zA-Z-_]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-f]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-f]+)\s+(\S+)$', line):
+ sec, _loc, size, obj = m.groups()
+ size = int(size, 16)
+ obj = path.abspath(obj)
+ if sec in total_sections:
+ objs[obj] += size
+ sec_name = sec
+ last_loc, last_sym = None, None
+ continue
+ # symbol def
+ if m := re.match('^(0x[0-9a-f]+)\s+(\S+)$', line):
+ loc, sym = m.groups()
+ sym = cxxfilt.demangle(sym)
+ loc = int(loc, 16)
+ if sym in defs:
+ continue
+ if loc == last_loc:
+ assert last_sym is not None
+ aliases[sym] = last_sym
+ else:
+ assert sec_name
+ defs[sym] = (sec_name, None, obj)
+ last_loc, last_sym = loc, sym
+ continue
+ refs = defaultdict(lambda: set())
+ for sym, (sec, size, obj) in defs.items():
+ fn, _, member = re.match('^([^()]+)(\((.+)\))?$', obj).groups()
+ fn = path.abspath(fn)
+ if member:
+ subprocess.check_call(['ar', 'x', '--output', tempdir, fn, member])
+ fn = path.join(tempdir, member)
+ with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
+ elf = ELFFile(f)
+ symtab = elf.get_section_by_name('.symtab')
+ symtab_demangled = { cxxfilt.demangle(nsym.name).replace(' ', ''): i
+ for i, nsym in enumerate(symtab.iter_symbols()) }
+ s = set()
+ sec_map = { sec.name: i for i, sec in enumerate(elf.iter_sections()) }
+ matches = [ i for name, i in sec_map.items() if re.match(f'\.rel\..*\.{sym}', name) ]
+ if matches:
+ sec = elf.get_section(matches[0])
+ for reloc in sec.iter_relocations():
+ refsym = symtab.get_symbol(reloc['r_info_sym'])
+ name = refsym.name if refsym.name else elf.get_section(refsym['st_shndx']).name.split('.')[-1]
+ s.add(name)
+ refs[sym] = s
+ for tsec in trace_sections:
+ matches = [ i for name, i in sec_map.items() if name == f'.rel{tsec}' ]
+ s = set()
+ if matches:
+ sec = elf.get_section(matches[0])
+ for reloc in sec.iter_relocations():
+ refsym = symtab.get_symbol(reloc['r_info_sym'])
+ s.add(refsym.name)
+ refs[tsec.replace('.', '_')] |= s
+ return objs, aliases, defs, refs
+def wrap(leader='', print=print, left='{', right='}'):
+ print(leader, left)
+ yield lambda *args, **kwargs: print(' ', *args, **kwargs)
+ print(right)
+def mangle(name):
+ return re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', name)
+hexcolor = lambda r, g, b, *_a: f'#{int(r*255):02x}{int(g*255):02x}{int(b*255):02x}'
+def vhex(val):
+ r,g,b,_a = matplotlib.cm.viridis(1.0-val)
+ fc = hexcolor(r, g, b)
+ h,s,v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r,g,b)
+ cc = '#000000' if v > 0.8 else '#ffffff'
+ return fc, cc
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--trace-sections', type=str, action='append', default=[])
+ parser.add_argument('--trim-stubs', type=str, action='append', default=[])
+ parser.add_argument('--highlight-subdirs', type=str, default=None)
+ parser.add_argument('linker_binary')
+ parser.add_argument('linker_args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ trace_sections = args.trace_sections
+ trace_sections_mangled = { sec.replace('.', '_') for sec in trace_sections }
+ objs, aliases, syms, refs = trace_source_files(args.linker_binary, args.linker_args, trace_sections)
+ clusters = defaultdict(lambda: [])
+ for sym, (sec, size, obj) in syms.items():
+ clusters[obj].append((sym, sec, size))
+ max_ssize = max(size or 0 for _sec, size, _obj in syms.values())
+ max_osize = max(objs.values())
+ subdir_prefix = path.abspath(args.highlight_subdirs) + '/' if args.highlight_subdirs else '### NO HIGHLIGHT ###'
+ first_comp = lambda le_path: path.dirname(le_path).partition(os.sep)[0]
+ subdir_colors = sorted({ first_comp(obj[len(subdir_prefix):]) for obj in objs if obj.startswith(subdir_prefix) })
+ subdir_colors = { path: hexcolor(*matplotlib.cm.Pastel1(i/len(subdir_colors))) for i, path in enumerate(subdir_colors) }
+ subdir_sizes = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+ for obj, size in objs.items():
+ if not isinstance(size, int):
+ continue
+ if obj.startswith(subdir_prefix):
+ subdir_sizes[first_comp(obj[len(subdir_prefix):])] += size
+ else:
+ subdir_sizes['<others>'] += size
+ print('Subdir sizes:', file=sys.stderr)
+ for subdir, size in sorted(subdir_sizes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
+ print(f'{subdir:>20}: {size:>6,d} B', file=sys.stderr)
+ def lookup_highlight(path):
+ if args.highlight_subdirs:
+ if obj.startswith(subdir_prefix):
+ highlight_head = first_comp(path[len(subdir_prefix):])
+ return subdir_colors[highlight_head], highlight_head
+ else:
+ return '#e0e0e0', None
+ else:
+ return '#ddf7f4', None
+ with wrap('digraph G', print) as lvl1print:
+ print('size="23.4,16.5!";')
+ print('graph [fontsize=40];')
+ print('node [fontsize=40];')
+ #print('ratio="fill";')
+ print('rankdir=LR;')
+ print('ranksep=5;')
+ print('nodesep=0.2;')
+ print()
+ for i, (obj, obj_syms) in enumerate(clusters.items()):
+ with wrap(f'subgraph cluster_{i}', lvl1print) as lvl2print:
+ print('style = "filled";')
+ highlight_color, highlight_head = lookup_highlight(obj)
+ print(f'bgcolor = "{highlight_color}";')
+ print('pencolor = none;')
+ fc, cc = vhex(objs[obj]/max_osize)
+ highlight_subdir_part = f'<font face="carlito" color="{cc}" point-size="40">{highlight_head} / </font>' if highlight_head else ''
+ lvl2print(f'label = <<table border="0"><tr><td border="0" cellpadding="5" bgcolor="{fc}">'
+ f'{highlight_subdir_part}'
+ f'<font face="carlito" color="{cc}"><b>{path.basename(obj)} ({objs[obj]}B)</b></font>'
+ f'</td></tr></table>>;')
+ lvl2print()
+ for sym, sec, size in obj_syms:
+ has_size = isinstance(size, int) and size > 0
+ size_s = f' ({size}B)' if has_size else ''
+ fc, cc = vhex(size/max_ssize) if has_size else ('#ffffff', '#000000')
+ shape = 'box' if sec == '.text' else 'oval'
+ lvl2print(f'{mangle(sym)}[label = "{sym}{size_s}", style="rounded,filled", shape="{shape}", fillcolor="{fc}", fontname="carlito", fontcolor="{cc}" color=none];')
+ lvl1print()
+ edges = set()
+ for start, ends in refs.items():
+ for end in ends:
+ end = aliases.get(end, end)
+ if (start in syms or start in trace_sections_mangled) and end in syms:
+ edges.add((start, end))
+ for start, end in edges:
+ lvl1print(f'{mangle(start)} -> {mangle(end)} [style="bold", color="#333333"];')
+ for sec in trace_sections:
+ lvl1print(f'{sec.replace(".", "_")} [label = "section {sec}", shape="box", style="filled,bold"];')
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/linksize.py b/driver_fw/tools/linksize.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c41a951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/linksize.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+def parse_linker_script(data):
+ pass
+def link(groups):
+ defined_symbols = {}
+ undefined_symbols = set()
+ for group, files in groups:
+ while True:
+ found_something = False
+ for fn in files:
+ symbols = load_symbols(fn)
+ for symbol in symbols:
+ if symbol in defined_symbols:
+ if not group or not found_something:
+ break
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('-T', '--script', type=str, help='Linker script to use')
+ parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, help='Output file to produce')
+ args, rest = parser.parse_known_intermixed_args()
+ print(rest)
+ addprefix = lambda *xs: [ prefix + opt for opt in xs for prefix in ('', '-Wl,') ]
+ START_GROUP = addprefix('-(', '--start-group')
+ END_GROUP = addprefix('-)', '--end-group')
+ input_files = [ arg for arg in rest if not arg.startswith('-') or arg in GROUP_OPTS ]
+ def input_file_iter(input_files):
+ group = False
+ files = []
+ for arg in input_files:
+ if arg in START_GROUP:
+ assert not group
+ if files:
+ yield False, files # nested -Wl,--start-group
+ group, files = True, []
+ elif arg in END_GROUP:
+ assert group # missing -Wl,--start-group
+ if files:
+ yield True, files
+ group, files = False, []
+ else:
+ files.append(arg)
+ assert not group # missing -Wl,--end-group
+ if files:
+ yield False, files
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/linktracer.py b/driver_fw/tools/linktracer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c53a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/linktracer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import re
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import pprint
+ARCHIVE_RE = r'([^(]*)(\([^)]*\))?'
+def trace_source_files(linker, cmdline):
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as mapfile:
+ output = subprocess.check_output([linker, f'-Wl,--Map={mapfile.name}', *cmdline])
+ # intentionally use generator here
+ idx = 0
+ lines = [ line.rstrip() for line in mapfile.read().decode().splitlines() if line.strip() ]
+ for idx, line in enumerate(lines[idx:], start=idx):
+ #print('Dropping', line)
+ if line == 'Linker script and memory map':
+ break
+ idx += 1
+ objects = []
+ symbols = {}
+ sections = {}
+ current_object = None
+ last_offset = None
+ last_symbol = None
+ cont_sec = None
+ cont_ind = None
+ current_section = None
+ for idx, line in enumerate(lines[idx:], start=idx):
+ print(f'Processing >{line}')
+ if line.startswith('LOAD'):
+ _load, obj = line.split()
+ objects.append(obj)
+ continue
+ if line.startswith('OUTPUT'):
+ break
+ m = re.match(r'^( ?)([^ ]+)? +(0x[0-9a-z]+) +(0x[0-9a-z]+)?(.*)?$', line)
+ if m is None:
+ m = re.match(r'^( ?)([^ ]+)?$', line)
+ if m:
+ cont_ind, cont_sec = m.groups()
+ else:
+ cont_ind, cont_sec = None, None
+ last_offset, last_symbol = None, None
+ continue
+ indent, sec, offx, size, sym_or_src = m.groups()
+ if sec is None:
+ sec = cont_sec
+ ind = cont_ind
+ cont_sec = None
+ cont_ind = None
+ print(f'vals: indent={indent} sec={sec} offx={offx} size={size} sym_or_src={sym_or_src}')
+ if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z_0-9<>():*]+$', sym_or_src):
+ continue
+ if indent == '':
+ print(f'Section: {sec} 0x{size:x}')
+ current_section = sec
+ sections[sec] = size
+ last_offset = None
+ last_symbol = None
+ continue
+ if offx is not None:
+ offx = int(offx, 16)
+ if size is not None:
+ size = int(size, 16)
+ if size is not None and sym_or_src is not None:
+ # archive/object line
+ archive, _member = re.match(ARCHIVE_RE, sym_or_src).groups()
+ current_object = archive
+ last_offset = offx
+ else:
+ if sym_or_src is not None:
+ assert size is None
+ if last_offset is not None:
+ last_size = offx - last_offset
+ symbols[last_symbol] = (last_size, current_section)
+ print(f'Symbol: {last_symbol} 0x{last_size:x} @{current_section}')
+ last_offset = offx
+ last_symbol = sym_or_src
+ idx += 1
+ for idx, line in enumerate(lines[idx:], start=idx):
+ if line == 'Cross Reference Table':
+ break
+ idx += 1
+ # map which symbol was pulled from which object in the end
+ used_defs = {}
+ for line in lines:
+ *left, right = line.split()
+ archive, _member = re.match(ARCHIVE_RE, right).groups()
+ if left:
+ used_defs[''.join(left)] = archive
+ #pprint.pprint(symbols)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('linker_binary')
+ parser.add_argument('linker_args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ source_files = trace_source_files(args.linker_binary, args.linker_args)
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/mapparse.py b/driver_fw/tools/mapparse.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1f460a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/mapparse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+import re
+from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
+Section = namedtuple('Section', ['name', 'offset', 'objects'])
+ObjectEntry = namedtuple('ObjectEntry', ['filename', 'object', 'offset', 'size'])
+FileEntry = namedtuple('FileEntry', ['section', 'object', 'offset', 'length'])
+class Memory:
+ def __init__(self, name, origin, length, attrs=''):
+ self.name, self.origin, self.length, self.attrs = name, origin, length, attrs
+ self.sections = {}
+ self.files = defaultdict(lambda: [])
+ self.totals = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+ def add_toplevel(self, name, offx, length):
+ self.sections[name] = Section(offx, length, [])
+ def add_obj(self, name, offx, length, fn, obj):
+ base_section, sep, subsec = name[1:].partition('.')
+ base_section = '.'+base_section
+ if base_section in self.sections:
+ sec = secname, secoffx, secobjs = self.sections[base_section]
+ secobjs.append(ObjectEntry(fn, obj, offx, length))
+ else:
+ sec = None
+ self.files[fn].append(FileEntry(sec, obj, offx, length))
+ self.totals[fn] += length
+class MapFile:
+ def __init__(self, s):
+ self._lines = s.splitlines()
+ self.memcfg = {}
+ self.defaultmem = Memory('default', 0, 0xffffffffffffffff)
+ self._parse()
+ def __getitem__(self, offx_or_name):
+ ''' Lookup a memory area by name or address '''
+ if offx_or_name in self.memcfg:
+ return self.memcfg[offx_or_name]
+ elif isinstance(offx_or_name, int):
+ for mem in self.memcfg.values():
+ if mem.origin <= offx_or_name < mem.origin+mem.length:
+ return mem
+ else:
+ return self.defaultmem
+ raise ValueError('Invalid argument type for indexing')
+ def _skip(self, regex):
+ matcher = re.compile(regex)
+ for l in self:
+ if matcher.match(l):
+ break
+ def __iter__(self):
+ while self._lines:
+ yield self._lines.pop(0)
+ def _parse(self):
+ self._skip('^Memory Configuration')
+ # Parse memory segmentation info
+ self._skip('^Name')
+ for l in self:
+ if not l:
+ break
+ name, origin, length, *attrs = l.split()
+ if not name.startswith('*'):
+ self.memcfg[name] = Memory(name, int(origin, 16), int(length, 16), attrs[0] if attrs else '')
+ # Parse section information
+ toplevel_m = re.compile('^(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)')
+ secondlevel_m = re.compile('^ (\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(.*)$')
+ secondlevel_linebreak_m = re.compile('^ (\.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\n')
+ filelike = re.compile('^(/?[^()]*\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)(\(.*\))?')
+ linebreak_section = None
+ for l in self:
+ # Toplevel section
+ match = toplevel_m.match(l)
+ if match:
+ name, offx, length = match.groups()
+ offx, length = int(offx, 16), int(length, 16)
+ self[offx].add_toplevel(name, offx, length)
+ match = secondlevel_linebreak_m.match(l)
+ if match:
+ linebreak_section, = match.groups()
+ continue
+ if linebreak_section:
+ l = ' {} {}'.format(linebreak_section, l)
+ linebreak_section = None
+ # Second-level section
+ match = secondlevel_m.match(l)
+ if match:
+ name, offx, length, misc = match.groups()
+ match = filelike.match(misc)
+ if match:
+ fn, obj = match.groups()
+ obj = obj.strip('()') if obj else None
+ offx, length = int(offx, 16), int(length, 16)
+ self[offx].add_obj(name, offx, length, fn, obj)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Parser GCC map file')
+ parser.add_argument('mapfile', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='The GCC .map file to parse')
+ parser.add_argument('-m', '--memory', type=str, help='The memory segments to print, comma-separated')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ mf = MapFile(args.mapfile.read())
+ args.mapfile.close()
+ mems = args.memory.split(',') if args.memory else mf.memcfg.keys()
+ for name in mems:
+ mem = mf.memcfg[name]
+ print('Symbols by file for memory', name)
+ for tot, fn in reversed(sorted( (tot, fn) for fn, tot in mem.totals.items() )):
+ print(' {:>8} {}'.format(tot, fn))
+ for length, offx, sec, obj in reversed(sorted(( (length, offx, sec, obj) for sec, obj, offx, length in
+ mem.files[fn] ), key=lambda e: e[0] )):
+ name = sec.name if sec else None
+ print(' {:>8} {:>#08x} {}'.format(length, offx, obj))
+ #print('{:>16} 0x{:016x} 0x{:016x} ({:>24}) {}'.format(name, origin, length, length, attrs))
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/bits/alltypes.h b/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/bits/alltypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..581ca85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/bits/alltypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* shim file for musl */
+#define _REDIR_TIME64 1
+#define _Addr int
+#define _Int64 long long
+#define _Reg int
+#define __BYTE_ORDER 1234
+#define __LONG_MAX 0x7fffffffL
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+typedef unsigned wchar_t;
+typedef float float_t;
+typedef double double_t;
+#endif /* __MUSL_SHIM_BITS_ALLTYPES_H__ */
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/endian.h b/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/endian.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..172c432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/endian.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#ifndef _ENDIAN_H
+#define _ENDIAN_H
+#include <features.h>
+#define __NEED_uint16_t
+#define __NEED_uint32_t
+#define __NEED_uint64_t
+#include <bits/alltypes.h>
+#define __PDP_ENDIAN 3412
+static __inline uint16_t __bswap16(uint16_t __x)
+ return __x<<8 | __x>>8;
+static __inline uint32_t __bswap32(uint32_t __x)
+ return __x>>24 | __x>>8&0xff00 | __x<<8&0xff0000 | __x<<24;
+static __inline uint64_t __bswap64(uint64_t __x)
+ return __bswap32(__x)+0ULL<<32 | __bswap32(__x>>32);
+#define htobe16(x) __bswap16(x)
+#define be16toh(x) __bswap16(x)
+#define htobe32(x) __bswap32(x)
+#define be32toh(x) __bswap32(x)
+#define htobe64(x) __bswap64(x)
+#define be64toh(x) __bswap64(x)
+#define htole16(x) (uint16_t)(x)
+#define le16toh(x) (uint16_t)(x)
+#define htole32(x) (uint32_t)(x)
+#define le32toh(x) (uint32_t)(x)
+#define htole64(x) (uint64_t)(x)
+#define le64toh(x) (uint64_t)(x)
+#define htobe16(x) (uint16_t)(x)
+#define be16toh(x) (uint16_t)(x)
+#define htobe32(x) (uint32_t)(x)
+#define be32toh(x) (uint32_t)(x)
+#define htobe64(x) (uint64_t)(x)
+#define be64toh(x) (uint64_t)(x)
+#define htole16(x) __bswap16(x)
+#define le16toh(x) __bswap16(x)
+#define htole32(x) __bswap32(x)
+#define le32toh(x) __bswap32(x)
+#define htole64(x) __bswap64(x)
+#define le64toh(x) __bswap64(x)
+#if defined(_GNU_SOURCE) || defined(_BSD_SOURCE)
+#define betoh16(x) __bswap16(x)
+#define betoh32(x) __bswap32(x)
+#define betoh64(x) __bswap64(x)
+#define letoh16(x) (uint16_t)(x)
+#define letoh32(x) (uint32_t)(x)
+#define letoh64(x) (uint64_t)(x)
+#define betoh16(x) (uint16_t)(x)
+#define betoh32(x) (uint32_t)(x)
+#define betoh64(x) (uint64_t)(x)
+#define letoh16(x) __bswap16(x)
+#define letoh32(x) __bswap32(x)
+#define letoh64(x) __bswap64(x)
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/features.h b/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/features.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85cfb72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/features.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#ifndef _FEATURES_H
+#define _FEATURES_H
+#if defined(_ALL_SOURCE) && !defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
+#define _GNU_SOURCE 1
+#if defined(_DEFAULT_SOURCE) && !defined(_BSD_SOURCE)
+#define _BSD_SOURCE 1
+#if !defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) && !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) \
+ && !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) && !defined(_GNU_SOURCE) \
+ && !defined(_BSD_SOURCE) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
+#define _BSD_SOURCE 1
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
+#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+#define __restrict restrict
+#elif !defined(__GNUC__)
+#define __restrict
+#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L || defined(__cplusplus)
+#define __inline inline
+#elif !defined(__GNUC__)
+#define __inline
+#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+#define _Noreturn __attribute__((__noreturn__))
+#define _Noreturn
+#define __REDIR(x,y) __typeof__(x) x __asm__(#y)
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/fp_arch.h b/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/fp_arch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5bab6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/fp_arch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef __MUSL_SHIM_FP_ARCH_H__
+#define __MUSL_SHIM_FP_ARCH_H__
+#define hidden
+#endif /* __MUSL_SHIM_FP_ARCH_H__ */
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/libm.h b/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/libm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d48135d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/musl_include_shims/libm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#ifndef _LIBM_H
+#define _LIBM_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <endian.h>
+#include "fp_arch.h"
+#if LDBL_MANT_DIG == 53 && LDBL_MAX_EXP == 1024
+#elif LDBL_MANT_DIG == 64 && LDBL_MAX_EXP == 16384 && __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN
+union ldshape {
+ long double f;
+ struct {
+ uint64_t m;
+ uint16_t se;
+ } i;
+#elif LDBL_MANT_DIG == 64 && LDBL_MAX_EXP == 16384 && __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN
+/* This is the m68k variant of 80-bit long double, and this definition only works
+ * on archs where the alignment requirement of uint64_t is <= 4. */
+union ldshape {
+ long double f;
+ struct {
+ uint16_t se;
+ uint16_t pad;
+ uint64_t m;
+ } i;
+#elif LDBL_MANT_DIG == 113 && LDBL_MAX_EXP == 16384 && __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN
+union ldshape {
+ long double f;
+ struct {
+ uint64_t lo;
+ uint32_t mid;
+ uint16_t top;
+ uint16_t se;
+ } i;
+ struct {
+ uint64_t lo;
+ uint64_t hi;
+ } i2;
+#elif LDBL_MANT_DIG == 113 && LDBL_MAX_EXP == 16384 && __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN
+union ldshape {
+ long double f;
+ struct {
+ uint16_t se;
+ uint16_t top;
+ uint32_t mid;
+ uint64_t lo;
+ } i;
+ struct {
+ uint64_t hi;
+ uint64_t lo;
+ } i2;
+#error Unsupported long double representation
+/* Support non-nearest rounding mode. */
+#define WANT_ROUNDING 1
+/* Support signaling NaNs. */
+#define WANT_SNAN 0
+#error SNaN is unsupported
+#define issignalingf_inline(x) 0
+#define issignaling_inline(x) 0
+/* Round x to nearest int in all rounding modes, ties have to be rounded
+ consistently with converttoint so the results match. If the result
+ would be outside of [-2^31, 2^31-1] then the semantics is unspecified. */
+static double_t roundtoint(double_t);
+/* Convert x to nearest int in all rounding modes, ties have to be rounded
+ consistently with roundtoint. If the result is not representible in an
+ int32_t then the semantics is unspecified. */
+static int32_t converttoint(double_t);
+/* Helps static branch prediction so hot path can be better optimized. */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define predict_true(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
+#define predict_false(x) __builtin_expect(x, 0)
+#define predict_true(x) (x)
+#define predict_false(x) (x)
+/* Evaluate an expression as the specified type. With standard excess
+ precision handling a type cast or assignment is enough (with
+ -ffloat-store an assignment is required, in old compilers argument
+ passing and return statement may not drop excess precision). */
+static inline float eval_as_float(float x)
+ float y = x;
+ return y;
+static inline double eval_as_double(double x)
+ double y = x;
+ return y;
+/* fp_barrier returns its input, but limits code transformations
+ as if it had a side-effect (e.g. observable io) and returned
+ an arbitrary value. */
+#ifndef fp_barrierf
+#define fp_barrierf fp_barrierf
+static inline float fp_barrierf(float x)
+ volatile float y = x;
+ return y;
+#ifndef fp_barrier
+#define fp_barrier fp_barrier
+static inline double fp_barrier(double x)
+ volatile double y = x;
+ return y;
+#ifndef fp_barrierl
+#define fp_barrierl fp_barrierl
+static inline long double fp_barrierl(long double x)
+ volatile long double y = x;
+ return y;
+/* fp_force_eval ensures that the input value is computed when that's
+ otherwise unused. To prevent the constant folding of the input
+ expression, an additional fp_barrier may be needed or a compilation
+ mode that does so (e.g. -frounding-math in gcc). Then it can be
+ used to evaluate an expression for its fenv side-effects only. */
+#ifndef fp_force_evalf
+#define fp_force_evalf fp_force_evalf
+static inline void fp_force_evalf(float x)
+ volatile float y;
+ y = x;
+#ifndef fp_force_eval
+#define fp_force_eval fp_force_eval
+static inline void fp_force_eval(double x)
+ volatile double y;
+ y = x;
+#ifndef fp_force_evall
+#define fp_force_evall fp_force_evall
+static inline void fp_force_evall(long double x)
+ volatile long double y;
+ y = x;
+#define FORCE_EVAL(x) do { \
+ if (sizeof(x) == sizeof(float)) { \
+ fp_force_evalf(x); \
+ } else if (sizeof(x) == sizeof(double)) { \
+ fp_force_eval(x); \
+ } else { \
+ fp_force_evall(x); \
+ } \
+} while(0)
+#define asuint(f) ((union{float _f; uint32_t _i;}){f})._i
+#define asfloat(i) ((union{uint32_t _i; float _f;}){i})._f
+#define asuint64(f) ((union{double _f; uint64_t _i;}){f})._i
+#define asdouble(i) ((union{uint64_t _i; double _f;}){i})._f
+#define EXTRACT_WORDS(hi,lo,d) \
+do { \
+ uint64_t __u = asuint64(d); \
+ (hi) = __u >> 32; \
+ (lo) = (uint32_t)__u; \
+} while (0)
+#define GET_HIGH_WORD(hi,d) \
+do { \
+ (hi) = asuint64(d) >> 32; \
+} while (0)
+#define GET_LOW_WORD(lo,d) \
+do { \
+ (lo) = (uint32_t)asuint64(d); \
+} while (0)
+#define INSERT_WORDS(d,hi,lo) \
+do { \
+ (d) = asdouble(((uint64_t)(hi)<<32) | (uint32_t)(lo)); \
+} while (0)
+#define SET_HIGH_WORD(d,hi) \
+ INSERT_WORDS(d, hi, (uint32_t)asuint64(d))
+#define SET_LOW_WORD(d,lo) \
+ INSERT_WORDS(d, asuint64(d)>>32, lo)
+#define GET_FLOAT_WORD(w,d) \
+do { \
+ (w) = asuint(d); \
+} while (0)
+#define SET_FLOAT_WORD(d,w) \
+do { \
+ (d) = asfloat(w); \
+} while (0)
+hidden int __rem_pio2_large(double*,double*,int,int,int);
+hidden int __rem_pio2(double,double*);
+hidden double __sin(double,double,int);
+hidden double __cos(double,double);
+hidden double __tan(double,double,int);
+hidden double __expo2(double);
+hidden int __rem_pio2f(float,double*);
+hidden float __sindf(double);
+hidden float __cosdf(double);
+hidden float __tandf(double,int);
+hidden float __expo2f(float);
+hidden int __rem_pio2l(long double, long double *);
+hidden long double __sinl(long double, long double, int);
+hidden long double __cosl(long double, long double);
+hidden long double __tanl(long double, long double, int);
+hidden long double __polevll(long double, const long double *, int);
+hidden long double __p1evll(long double, const long double *, int);
+hidden double __lgamma_r(double, int *);
+hidden float __lgammaf_r(float, int *);
+/* error handling functions */
+hidden float __math_xflowf(uint32_t, float);
+hidden float __math_uflowf(uint32_t);
+hidden float __math_oflowf(uint32_t);
+hidden float __math_divzerof(uint32_t);
+hidden float __math_invalidf(float);
+hidden double __math_xflow(uint32_t, double);
+hidden double __math_uflow(uint32_t);
+hidden double __math_oflow(uint32_t);
+hidden double __math_divzero(uint32_t);
+hidden double __math_invalid(double);
diff --git a/driver_fw/tools/usb_test.py b/driver_fw/tools/usb_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f61593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver_fw/tools/usb_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import time
+from pprint import pprint
+from enum import Enum
+from functools import cache
+from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, astuple
+import struct
+import binascii
+import numpy as np
+import click
+import serial
+from cobs import cobs
+class CobsSerial:
+ def __init__(self, port, timeout):
+ self.ser = serial.Serial(port, timeout=timeout)
+ self.ser.flushOutput()
+ self.ser.flushInput()
+ self.ser.write(bytes([0])) # synchronize
+ self.ser.flushOutput()
+ def write_packet(self, data):
+ self.ser.write(cobs.encode(data))
+ self.ser.write(bytes([0]))
+ self.ser.flushOutput()
+ def read_packet(self):
+ data = b''
+ while (b := self.ser.read(1)):
+ if b[0] == 0:
+ break
+ data += b
+ if data:
+ return parse_packet(cobs.decode(data))
+ else:
+ return None
+ def command(self, command, args=b''):
+ self.write_packet(bytes([command.value]) + args)
+ return self.read_packet()
+class SerializableEnum(Enum):
+ def __int__(self):
+ return self.value
+class PacketType(SerializableEnum):
+class ErrorCode(Enum):
+ ERR_DMA = 5
+ ERR_BUSY = 6
+class BoardConfig(Enum):
+class Serialized:
+ @classmethod
+ def deserialize(kls, data):
+ fields = struct.unpack(kls._struct_format(), data)
+ mapped = [cast(val) for cast, val in zip(kls._struct_casts(), fields)]
+ return kls(*mapped)
+ def serialize(self):
+ mapped = [uncast(val) for uncast, val in zip(self._struct_uncasts(), astuple(self))]
+ return struct.pack(self._struct_format(), *mapped)
+ @classmethod
+ @cache
+ def _struct_format(kls):
+ return kls._parse_fields()[0]
+ @classmethod
+ @cache
+ def _struct_casts(kls):
+ return kls._parse_fields()[1]
+ @classmethod
+ @cache
+ def _struct_uncasts(kls):
+ return kls._parse_fields()[2]
+ @classmethod
+ def _parse_fields(kls):
+ fmt = '<'
+ casts = []
+ uncasts = []
+ for field in fields(kls):
+ if isinstance(field.type, tuple):
+ struct_type, cast, uncast, *_ = *field.type, int
+ else:
+ struct_type, cast, uncast = field.type, int, int
+ fmt += struct_type
+ casts.append(cast)
+ uncasts.append(uncast)
+ return fmt, casts, uncasts
+def timestamp(value):
+ return float(value) / 1e6
+class StatusPacket(Serialized):
+ packet_type: ('B', PacketType)
+ sys_time_us: ('Q', timestamp)
+ has_lcd: ('B', bool)
+ has_adc: ('B', bool)
+ board_config: ('B', BoardConfig)
+ bus_addr: 'B'
+ last_uart_error: ('B', ErrorCode)
+ last_uart_error_timestamp: ('Q', timestamp)
+ last_uart_rx: ('Q', timestamp)
+ last_uart_tx: ('Q', timestamp)
+ last_bus_error: ('B', ErrorCode)
+ last_bus_error_timestamp: ('Q', timestamp)
+class MotorPacket(Serialized):
+ packet_type: ('B', PacketType)
+ speed_rpm: 'i'
+def parse_packet(data):
+ packet_type = PacketType(data[0])
+ if packet_type == PacketType.USBP_GET_STATUS:
+ return StatusPacket.deserialize(data)
+ if packet_type == PacketType.USBP_GET_MEASUREMENTS:
+ return MeasurementPacket.deserialize(data)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f'Unsupported packet type {packet_type}')
+class MeasurementPacket(Serialized):
+ packet_type: ('B', PacketType)
+ num_channels: 'B'
+ _num_samples_a: 'I'
+ _num_samples_b: 'I'
+ _measurements_raw: ('240s', bytes)
+ @property
+ def measurements(self):
+ return np.frombuffer(self._measurements_raw, np.dtype(np.int32).newbyteorder('<')).reshape([2, 2, -1])
+ @property
+ def num_samples(self):
+ return [self._num_samples_a, self._num_samples_b]
+def cli():
+ pass
+@click.option('--timeout', type=float, default=1)
+def probe(port, timeout):
+ ser = CobsSerial(port, timeout)
+ pprint(ser.command(PacketType.USBP_GET_STATUS))
+ while True:
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ packet = ser.command(PacketType.USBP_GET_MEASUREMENTS)
+ for i in range(packet.num_samples[1]):
+ print(packet.measurements[1,1,i], packet.num_samples[1])
+@click.argument('speed_rpm', type=int, default=0)
+@click.option('--timeout', type=float, default=1)
+def motor(port, speed_rpm, timeout):
+ ser = CobsSerial(port, timeout)
+ packet = MotorPacket(PacketType.USBP_SET_MOTOR, speed_rpm)
+ ser.write_packet(packet.serialize())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ cli()